Dec 20, 2011
they're smiling :)
Dec 15, 2011
menurut saya, ucapan adalah janji :)
Seperti bocah laki2 pada umumnya, saat melewati toko mainan, saya pun merengek minta dibelikan.Pada saat itu, respon ibu saya adalah, “Iya, nanti ya”. Dan kami pun lanjut berkeliling, lalu pulang ke rumah kakak ibu saya. Saya pun lupa akan kejadian di toko mainan tadi.
Malamnya, saat ayah saya menjemput saya dan ibu saya di rumah kakaknya, saya kembali merengek di jalan pulang. “Tadi kata mama nanti, nanti, manaaa? Kapan beli mainannya?”, kira2 begitulah protes saya.
sebenarnya mungkin hal ini simple,tapi ngena banget. Apalagi buat orang yg tipikal ga-enakan dan suka kepikiran jenis saya.ijinkan saya sedikit memuji diri sendiri, namun kadang hal se simpel ini -yang mungkin menurut beberapa orang tidak sesimpel itu *baca:saya- bisa bikin hubungan anda dengan orang lain akan mengalami goncangan. Misalnya contoh kejadian perkara yang saya alami beberapa hari yang lalu. Seperti biasa jadwal pulang kantor saya pukul 17.00, namun jarang sekali kami pulang teng-go,dan pada hari itu sekitar jam 6 lewat saya sudah sampai di St.Sudirman, karena kereta pada telat,maka iseng saya bbm teman yang kebetulan akan naik rketa yang sama
saya : Eh, bareng gak? Kretanya udah di st.kemayoran..lo dmana?
si teman : Gw udah naik kopaja kok. mau nungguin gw ga? Biar bareng,kebetulan gw ada titipan nih buat lo.
saya: oh tunggu di st.sudirman udah disini.
Ok gw tunggu. Itu adalah sebuah janji menurut saya. Karena itulah saya mengabaikan beberapa kereta yang seharusnya bisa saya naiki untuk sampai tujuan saya,demi menunggu kedatangan si teman dan naik kreta yang sama.Namun yang terjadi adalah.. 40 menit berlalu menunggu siteman,tiba tiba ia mem-bbm saya, isinya ; "eh lo dmana?Gw udah naik nih" .BAM!! saya bingung harus jawab apa. hanya bisa diam dan yaaa ngedumel deh dikit dikit. Lalu apa lagi yang harus saya lakukan? rasanya gondoook sekali. cerita keteman saya yang lain,mereka akan berkata "nah lo bodoh,knapa harus nungguin"
Ya, karena saya sudah berjanji. Walau tidak terucap "Ok gw janji nungguin lo", tapi itu (seharusnya) merupakan invisible commitment antara saya dan teman saya tersebut.Dan akan sangat menyebalkan jika dilanggar atau tidak ditepati. Beberapa kejadian seperti "ntar gw bbm y" dan pada akhirnya tidak terlaksana pasti tak asing dan pernah kita lakukan.
Sounds so simple, yet so difficult to implement. But then again, difficult doesn’t mean impossible, rite?
so lets keep our word and promises ;)
Dec 14, 2011
#ageless movie: My Girl (1991)
Thomas J. Sennett: When you get old, you just have to.
Thomas J. Sennett: You can't marry a teacher, it's against the law.
Vada: It is not.
Thomas J. Sennett: Yes it is, 'cause then he'll give you all A's, and it won't be fair.
Vada Sultenfuss: What?
Thomas J. Sennett: Heaven.
Vada Sultenfuss: I think... everybody gets their own white horse and all they do is ride them and eat marshmallows all day. And everybody's best friends with everybody else. When you play sports, there's no teams, so nobody gets picked last.
Thomas J. Sennett: But what if you're afraid to ride horses?
Vada Sultenfuss: Doesn't matter 'cause they're not regular horses. They've got wings. And it's no big deal if you fall 'cause you'll just land in a cloud.
Dec 13, 2011
got me line
Dec 12, 2011
pillow talk
Dec 9, 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Dec 2, 2011
Oct 27, 2011
Terlalu berusaha menjadi pacar yang baik,lalu lupa bagaimana menjadi teman yang baik : Selalu berusaha menjadi teman yang baik,lantas lupa bersikap sebagai pacar yang baik.
what'd comes to my mind?
well, mungkin karena beberapa bulan belakangan ini saya mendengar cerita mengenai seseorang yang begitu loyal terhadap pasangannya,sehingga ia rela untuk tidak datang ke acara pertunangan sahabatnya. Dan ada pula yang bercerita bagaimana temannya slalu ada untuk nya dalam setiap masalah yang ia hadapi, yang akhirnya menyebabkan temannya end the relationship with her boyf.Then it hit me. I think i'm the one who always trying hard to keep my close friend in one circle, so hard sometimes. And I think my boyf (well,ex now #pfft) never go a problem by that. To be truth, I'm already felt as the -left-behind-friend for this couple months.I think my besties just trying so hard to being a perfect and happly ever after girlfriend, so that she 's forget and ignoring us for a moment...well 'till recently.
I'm not upset.. I just feel sad.
Oct 20, 2011
mylo - xyloto
Can we please give them the most adorable music video award right now?
Christopher Martin on a unicycle dressed as an elephant.
your argument is invalid!
way way hotter than Mr.Levine
When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach so
She ran away in her sleep
And dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes
When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
And the bullets catch in her teeth
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every tear a waterfall
In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly
And dreams of
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh
She'd dream of
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh-oh
And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "oh, ohohohoh I know the sun must set to rise"
This could be
This could be
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh
This could be
This could be
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh-oh
Oct 18, 2011
tadi malam seorang sahabat yang jauh diseberang pulau sana berkeluh kesah tentang keadaannya disana.Tentang bagaimana ia mulai merasa jenuh, tentang bagaimana ia mulai merasa that city starting to rejecting her, tentang bagaimana kekhawatiran sang bunda yang mulai memaksanya untuk segera kembali ke Jakarta.Lalu ia mulai bertanya apa yang sebaiknya ia lakukan.Karna ia pun sebenarnya berniat untuk meninggalkan tempat itu."Mau kerja apa gw di Jakarta" Ujarnya..Spontan saya berkata " Ah,kamu terlalu meng-under estimate Jakarta".
Dan mulai lah ia menjabarkan rencana melancong nya di bulan bulan awal tahun depan. Ia pun sempat bercerita bagaimana lingkungan nya disana yang sepertinya kurang haus akan pengetahuan dan ia yang sepertinya mulai stuck karena tidak melanjutkan sekolah.
There! I don't know why..but it just suddenly come to my mind. i'm never be a jealous type to my friend. Altough after she spreading all next year trip plan,I ticklesly said " wow...bit show off ha ?" and we even laughed together.
Let's blame the period, I never been like this before. I never thinking to shallow to my self. I never said how sad my condition.I never ever feel this sorry to my self.Until later that night, I end up with a tweet in my twitter account.
Setelah kepergian papa, my family been fight all over our body to keep our standard of living in control.Well, my mom isn't working, so its leave me and my older brother.I'm doing good so far. but last night it really bumped me up. I really really hate my self for not being a rich person. Saya tahu tidak seharusnya saya seperti ini, dan believe me..ini tidak pernah terjadi sebelumnya. This vulnerable situation killin' me in a minute.
So, I know I'm not in right position to tellin' you this...But seriously, seandainya kamu berada di posisi yang beruntung dan masiiiih saja mengeluh, well human..., coba deh lihat dari sudut pandang orang lain. Terkadang ketika kau mengeluh kepada mereka, dan mereka hanya tersenyum simpul..well,you hurt them without knowing it. So, try to keep your really really personal life and personal whinny to yourself, or throw it to people who "more" than you.
Oct 17, 2011
m.e.l.a.n.c.h.o.l.y ?
Hi you...
surely this one gonna be my last post about you (*finger cross)
Selalu menyenangkan jika bersamamu..Jutaan wacana yang direncanakan hanya berujung menjadi bahan tertawaan,,serta kencan manis lewat layar skype terkadang cukup bagiku.
Ketika orang - orang terdekatku mulai menggelengkan kepala dan berkata, STOP akan hubungan ini sebelum kita melangkah terlalu jauh.Aku tau aku hanya menyiakan waktu ku dengan mu untuk suatu hal yang tak pasti. Kita menyebut Tuhan dengan nama yang berbeda, walau tak masalah buat mu dan keluarga mu, akan jadi masalah besar untuk ku. Aku memang bukan penganut Islam yang taat, tapi aku cukup mengerti dan mempercayai bahwa Allah adalah Tuhanku, dan kau pun percaya bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhanmu. Dan tak mungkin untuk ku menyuruhmu mengkhianati agamamu, sedangkan aku tak mau sedikit pun berpikir untuk mengkhianati agamaku.
Hal ini membawa kita memutuskan untuk saling menjarak dan bersiap menciptakan ruangan lain untuk orang lain. Kita merasa sanggup.Yaah,setidak aku merasa sanggup.Walau pada kenyataan, tahukah kamu bahwa setiap kali kamu bercerita tentang gadis gadis yang mendekatimu aku hanya bisa diam dan menanggapinya dengan tawa yang dipaksa. Tahukah kamu bahwa setiap teman yang kau "sodorkan" padaku hanya akan membuat tekuk di wajahku semakin kencang?. Tapi mau apa lagi..Memang inilah yang terjadi.
Disini kita terjatuh. Kali ini trotoar kita terlalu berbeda, sangat berbeda hingga rasanya tak mungkin kugambarkan zebra cross atau kubangun jembatan diatas untuk menyebranginya. Saat ini yang dapat kulakukan adalah meninggalkanmu. Aku muak dengan kataan "mencoba", jika pada akhirnya akan berakhir buntu.So this is it.
This is me who gave up on our situation. This is me who enjoyed every little detail about you.This is me who's gonna always thank you for your kindness, your lack of sensitivity, your stubborn-pain-in-the-ass self, your sweet acted-which-you-think-never-quite-romantic-but-it is-to-me. Anyway,did you know about all those things? Did you know how happy I am doing this moment with you?I can not imagine one day we must part not because we no longer love. Just like to know the day when you will die, while you can not do anything but wait for the time it arrives.I also know we have been trying hard to figure out how to keep it together. But how hard we try, there will be times when we would leave each other and letting go. There's no a single minute I've been through with regretted being with you.
Thank you for loving me.
Oct 10, 2011
another round / hopping island
YAY! they made me visit the thousand islands (wtf) two weeks in a row. Such a bless. So this post's gonna be about me and my The group is my office mate, a couple person can't make it in the last minute so i decide to get my older brother's ass and kick the sea with us. North side is the decision, never been there before so I kinda super excited myself. Just like my imagination.. the islands..super clean!! I may say, the north side are the "silk stocking" side. The upper east side, - if you know what i mean-, why's that? because there are many small islands adjacent, you can reach them by 5 05 10 minutes boating. And partly of them is a private island. What made me most excited are the sand. They're super white!! and the pristine coral reefs and unspoiled. Not a lot of people go there,they prefer Tidung's or Pramuka which is more familiar. But I tell you my friend, this one is totally worth to go for it!!
Oct 7, 2011
the power of stealing someone's thunder
Phoebe: Umm, sympathy pains. I thought it was really sweet at first, but now I think he's just trying to steal my thunder.
"And the,"
"With the,"
"At the,"
"No""When he,""No"
"And then he,"
Oct 6, 2011
Iphone for Steve = iPhone 4S
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
- Steve Jobs -
co-founder,chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.
chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios
May you rest in peace,Sir!
Oct 4, 2011
super weekie wupper treaty
-Crash and Burn by Savage Garden
Sep 28, 2011
dear,Akbari's #1
your "knowledgeably-because-i'm-older-than-you",,hahahaha..
A better brother you couldn't be.
We thought our little flight would never end
You were my brother
And I
I knew you were my friend
I wish that we
Were chasing after wooden airplanes
Once again
The roads been long
You know
I've done some good
And yes I guess I've done some bad
I've sung my songs
And you know
Sometimes I swear
I think I've gone completely mad
If the story of my life
Ever makes you sad
(B.J.Thomas - A song for my brother)
Sep 26, 2011
fire in the snow
Should be sayin’ that to you by now, shouldn’t I?
Layin’ down the law that I live by,Though maybe next time
I’ve got a thick tongue,Brimming with the words that go unsung
Simmer then the burn for a someone,A wrong one
And I tell myself to let the story end,My heart will rest in someone else’s hand
Ooh, how’m I gonna get over you?Someday, oh I wish you’d want me to stay
I’ll be alright, just not tonight,
ps: its been a great 9 month..I do really hope i can let you go.
just not tonight..someday