Oct 18, 2011

Straight to the point shall we?

tadi malam seorang sahabat yang jauh diseberang pulau sana berkeluh kesah tentang keadaannya disana.Tentang bagaimana ia mulai merasa jenuh, tentang bagaimana ia mulai merasa that city starting to rejecting her, tentang bagaimana kekhawatiran sang bunda yang mulai memaksanya untuk segera kembali ke Jakarta.Lalu ia mulai bertanya apa yang sebaiknya ia lakukan.Karna ia pun sebenarnya berniat untuk meninggalkan tempat itu."Mau kerja apa gw di Jakarta" Ujarnya..Spontan saya berkata " Ah,kamu terlalu meng-under estimate Jakarta".

Dan mulai lah ia menjabarkan rencana melancong nya di bulan bulan awal tahun depan. Ia pun sempat bercerita bagaimana lingkungan nya disana yang sepertinya kurang haus akan pengetahuan dan ia yang sepertinya mulai stuck karena tidak melanjutkan sekolah.

There! I don't know why..but it just suddenly come to my mind. i'm never be a jealous type to my friend. Altough after she spreading all next year trip plan,I ticklesly said " wow...bit show off ha ?" and we even laughed together.

Let's blame the period, I never been like this before. I never thinking to shallow to my self. I never said how sad my condition.I never ever feel this sorry to my self.Until later that night, I end up with a tweet in my twitter account.

"For those people who lucky enough to continue ur study,please do!Consider people who really want it,but they just not as lucky as u are :)"

I never continue my study.Its not because I don't want to,but it's because I can't.
Setelah kepergian papa, my family been fight all over our body to keep our standard of living in control.Well, my mom isn't working, so its leave me and my older brother.I'm doing good so far. but last night it really bumped me up. I really really hate my self for not being a rich person. Saya tahu tidak seharusnya saya seperti ini, dan believe me..ini tidak pernah terjadi sebelumnya. This vulnerable situation killin' me in a minute.

So, I know I'm not in right position to tellin' you this...But seriously, seandainya kamu berada di posisi yang beruntung dan masiiiih saja mengeluh, well human..., coba deh lihat dari sudut pandang orang lain. Terkadang ketika kau mengeluh kepada mereka, dan mereka hanya tersenyum simpul..well,you hurt them without knowing it. So, try to keep your really really personal life and personal whinny to yourself, or throw it to people who "more" than you.