Oct 30, 2009

Quote for today

If you wait too long for the perfect moment,
the perfect moment will pass you by

Oct 28, 2009

come to see Jerry Aurum's

Tonight after office me and some friends, Miska-Abay-and-Angga, visit Jerry Aurum's photo exhibition in main atrium,Senayan City.

excuse for the blurry photos.. :)

Initially I saw the coverage of an interview with the photographer in TvOne, and I was interested to come directly to see the results of his work. Based on the theme, In My Room, Jerry Aurum's take pictures several community leaders with the location of their own rooms. there are celebrities, chefs, writers, directors, and many more. which makes me wonder, the photographer did not use additional lighting or other means of supporting photography. he only uses the camera and lighting in the room count of the target image.I was very impressed with the concept and thought the photographer.

The resulting picture was good, nice and interesting. Although there are a few photos of celebrities who are looks like a magazine photo shoot session and they make up. The point is your room, then why did you have to dress up? ow, probably because you are a celebrity who did not want to look ugly..hahaha...

anyway, for you who do not have time to come see the work of Jerry Aurum, here are some photos, enjoy :

Reza Gunawan, dee's husband

Dewi Lestari: writers,singer

Melanie Ricardo, announcer

Dewi Rezer and hubby,Marcellino

Shelomita and daughter

Titi Dj and Ovie "Rif"

Cathy Sharon

Dian Sastrowardoyo

Sita Nursanti *what a gorgeus laugh


Dj Winky and his,Kenes

The Saputra's

Daniel Mananta *controversial pic

If Jerry Aurum dare to ask picture of me and my room, there should be like this,
only better.haha


enjoy the photos y'all...


Oct 26, 2009

random post on coffe break

sedang coffee break di kantor..pikiran iseng ga ada kerjaan,saya posting hal hal yg berguna aja ah..haha

dan..saya stuck. writer's block!!

udah ah,,anyway...

I have to buy this thing..

mom's thrown away my old sneakers.. I'm not even have chance to say goodbye..hiks hiks..
so I decide to buy one of this..next salary ok.yup!!

I still want to buy this brown balenciaga..its still too expensive for me.
can afford this..haha
anyone?buy this for me please..hhahahaa


salmon flame and freezing sunday

to celebrated my cousin ,Mutti, late birthday we're going to sky rink at Mall of Taman Anggrek to play ice skating..

its felt nice to finally have some time to having some fun..hahaa..
after a while,yes,i decided to get out at weekend and searching for the word F.U.N.. :)

and I did have fun and felling a little "plong" ..left the problem behind and tied it in bed.

we'd play for almost 4 hrs because my aunt keep the ticket and go to Grogol for delivering something. we surely feel cold and freeeezzzziiiinnnggg...

:Laugh is all I need:

I love the way my jeans tuck into the skate shoe

Gotta tell you how much I miss Sushi Groove's salmon flame so much much much..
Dan daripada membiarkan otak dan pikiran saya melayang layang membayangkan betapa nikmatnya si salmon flame itu, saya pun melangkahkan kaki menuju lantai 3.
without no doubt!

Sushi Groove im coming..salmon flame come to momma..

me and mutty. YES!! We're sushi junkie!!

anyway,how's yor weekend??


"I'm not Chuck Bass without you.."

Recently I was watching Gossip Girl 3th Season ..
I've been waited for this series. although I think the plot is just spinning there and there, but I love this series because of the fashion and the character, especially Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf. Heart the way they manipulative people, do the revenge and I love it because they finally become a couple in this season.

and to respect them, posting this time will discuss about their quote in four episodes early of GG 3th season..haha..

Like i said before, now they're a couple, a lot of nice thing happen. and a lot of quote that make you grab-the-pillow-and-squeeze-it-and-say-ooooww..... hahahaah...

This is my top five so far..

This is the second place..uu..uw..uw.

Blair: Chuck, NYU is not the Upper East Side. They don't care about Constance, or social hierarchy. They don't care that I'm Blair Waldorf! It's over.

Chuck: How can you do this to me?
Blair: What are you talking about?
Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass. And I told you I love you. You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual homesick malcontents. You really insult me like that?
Blair: That's not how it is.
Chuck: It's exactly how it is. The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass. And I love you.

And my number one favorite's quote so far is...eng-ing-eng..

Blair: [in bed] You were right about the dorms. The lighting is awful. You okay?
Chuck: [sleepy and touching Blair's hand] I am now.

aw aw aw...hahaha...

unfortunately they are fighting at the end of episode six, Chuck considers Blair's manipulated him.

ah cant wait for the next episode.This so gonna be great!!


Oct 23, 2009

tribute to the perfect eyebrow.ENVY THEM!

sebenernya ini cerita yang gak penting..cuman pengen sharing cerita aja..jadi jangan protes..haahaha..

Jadi ceritanya kmaren seperti biasa saya pulang dari kantor dan menuju stasiun kreta Djuanda dengan menebeng seorang teman yg kebetulan saya paksa lewat Djuanda..hehe. Sampai di stasiun, tiba tiba terdengarlah berita buruk bahwa lagi dan lagi kereta mengalami gangguan sinyal di daerah Pasar Minggu-Manggarai. Jadi yang niat saya menaiki kerta Express Jakarta-Bojong pukul 17.12 WIB terpaksa dibatalkan karena kereta yang terlambat semua.. Jadilah saya berpindah menunggu di jalur Jakarta demi menunggu Depok Express, biar dapet duduk.Untung ada si mungil Viao yg menemani saya sambil memainkan lagu lagu lawas di playlist yg sudah diatur sebelumnya..

ahh...tak terasa waktu menunjukkan pukul 18.15 WIB, kereta yang dinanti pun tiba dengan gagahnya.Dan saya pun berhasil duduk manis di gerbong 2 kereta listrik Depok Ekspress.
Kereta bergerak menuju stasiun Jakarta Kota yang nantinya akan kembali menuju Depok.
Saya pikir, biarlah lama asal sampai.Toh saya tidak terburu buru.

sampai di st.Kota,,orang orang pun berebut masuk. Termasuk 2 keluarga Iran/Turki yang membawa 2 pasang anak nya..

GOd!! Arab's kids always unresistable!! with a great shape oh nose,,nice hair, and perfect eyebrow. I guess they dont need a mascara and eyeliner when they growin'g up..so envy them!
anyway..kebetulan mereka ga dapet duduk..dan anak anak nya berdiri didepan saya..Mulailah saya menggoda goda dan tersenyum senyum melihat pesona mereka...

Kendalanya adalah..tak satu pun dari mereka yg bisa bahasa inggris..hahaha..terjadilah percakapan dan kontak dengan menggunakan bahasa tarzan.but its still great!!

I took some picture of them, please take a look :

Ini Hasan..

Ini Malika, Hasan's sister..

Ini Ali..

dan ini Alika, Ali's sister..

arent they cute!!


the sweet thing come at the end..

Jadi,perjalanan yg normalnya hanya ngabisin waktu hanya 30 menit, gara gara gangguan sinyal jadi makan waktu satu setengah jam!! so to killing time,we're just goofing around,playing clown face and have fun with the children..the girls even kiss me on the cheek and play with my hair..
aw aw aw..orang orang pun tersenyum geli melihat tingkah dan keintiman kami..hmmm...

Sampai akhirnya kereta memasuki jalur stasiun Pondok Cina, tempat pemberhentian saya, dan saya pun berdiri dan bersiap siap..

Tibat tiba...
Both that little girl cry..
dan saya pun berkata "bye bye" sambil ber dadaah dadahan..makin kenceng lah suara mereka,,
they still wanna play..

orang orang berkata "dia masih mau maen tuh mbak"..GOD!! tapi apa daya...
oh,its really breaking my heart..huhuhuw...

au revoir.. Alika and Malika...nice to having so much fun with you..sniff sniff..


Oct 22, 2009

you called this is a shoe?

I do a big fans of shoes..I pick shoes rather than clothes..but what I suppose to call this pictures below? err...shoes??ok.

surely never thinking bout wearing those shoes..


screw you,weird designers..!!


tolong, MISKA mau menggigit saya!

*laugh so hard

jadi ada seorang sahabat saya bernama Miska Lail, yup weird name I know, we've beeen a besties since...err...I dont know exactly. oke its been so long..

beberapa hari yang lalu saya sempat menuliskan sesuatu di wall facebook-nya, saya menuliskan

Dini Akbari

Dini Akbari mis..sumthin' happen to my lovestory nih..not in a good way..it just freakin' crazy and..err kinda serious problem.need help ASAP!

Yesterday at 7:09am · ·

thats it!
waktu dan saat itu saya benar benar ingin bercerita padanya..dan dia pun langsung menghubungi saya via sms dan bertanya "chu,lo knapa?"

sayaangnyaa...im on a meeting. jadi ga bsia cerita..huhuhu..
tadi malem pun dia sms nanyain ada apa dengan saya..tapi karena hari sudah larut dan mengingat keesokan harinya saya harus bangun pagi dan mengejar kereta menuju jakarta.

sore ini,,tiba tiba saya membaca tulisannya di wall facebook saya..isinya...

Miska Lail

Miska Lail have yu ever been bitten by a hungry palembang person? jangan bikin maraha yaaaah.. cerita ga beres setengah-setengah..

bikin kesel terus penasaran!!!!

3 hours ago · ·