Dec 20, 2011

they're smiling :)

once my friend asked me, what exactly my point to join and build this foundation together. Since I think its really string attached when your answer is " able to reward or planting your stock for heaven" and bla bla bla.. I just simply answer ; cause I wanna do a good deeds with you guys.

so here we are, had some fun with the orphanage. Playing games, quiz, watched the movie and lunch. Its quite nice, although while the preparation certainly there some constrain with the budget,personnel, and etc.But we nailed it!

anyway, while i'm sitting there with them, I'm beyond my imagination and thinking whats on earth could make them happy? How could they're able to get a full laughter like that? Well, of course there's a lot of thing could make you happy.Its good to contemplate and evaluate our lives regularly, don't you think? But the act of contemplating and evaluating doesn't always hate to resolve around our weakness, our faults, our area of's also good to remind ourselves about our strengths, achievements, anything positive so that we appreciate ourselves and lives better..sound of rain make me happy,..think of things that go beyond the tangibles,,things that underline our positive value.Happiness is a mindset. You don't create it, and its not a destination. This life is your to enjoy.

Life doesn't end when we die. Life ends when we decide to stop touching each other, through our hands and hearts. When I no longer exist in your heart, what is there to share? And when life takes me away, who will be there to care?. Let's not stop sharing .... :)