May 27, 2010



Miska Lail S.Ikom

Muhammad Diponegoro S.Ikom

May 22, 2010


curhatan kali ini pake bahasa indonesia aja yaa..

pernah ga sih anda berada di posisi ketika seluruh dunia seperti menilai anda dari ujung kaki sampai ujung rambut?pernah kah anda berada diposisi ketika berhadapan dengan seseorang dan anda tatap matanya,dan lalu anda bisa lihat disana penilaian negatifnya tentang anda?well, saya merasakan perasaan itu akhir akhir ini.Karena seseorang, yang tidak mungkin saya sebut namanya disini,yang telah bad-mouthing me kmana mana,, saya harus menerima perlakuan dan pandagan yang sangat tidak mengenakkan dari orang orang yang berhubungan dekat dengan saya.sangat memuakkan!!kalo anda ga tau permasalahan yang sebenernya,jangan suka punya pendapat sendiri dong..anda hanya mendengar secara sepihak dari orang yg jelas jelas bacot nya g bisa dikontrol.Anda tidak berhak menilai siapapun dengan pandangan dan sikap yg rendah dan negatif tanpa anda tau apa apa.Dan untuk anda si bacot,,anda tidak berhak bad mouthing saya kmana kmana seenak anda!!anda sudah merusak masa depan dan kelangsungan jati diri saya.Anda telah mencemarkan nama baik saya!!Dan anda tidak berani mengakuyinya langsung dihadapan saya.dengan mulut manis anda menyebarkan omongan omongan liar itu ke telinga telinga orang orang yg sudah anda jilat dengan sepenuh hati!!ANDA TIDAK BERHAK!!!!

May 18, 2010

meanwhile in the night,same day

my lovely lil niece,Melody
this is your 2nd year in this world
you'll love it :)

we love you.

baby bump

do you remember about my bestfriend who getting married last year?
now she's 5 month PREGNANT!!!

it is true that every pregnant woman has a different glow..
yes,she's really cute with her baby bump
seems so happy and.. GLOWINGwe share laugh and story at her apt at Mediterania
she's who first got pregnant among us all.
we've been bestfriend since high school
and now we're 23.
that's why we're very excited and happy-shocked!

suddenly we reminisce and imagine what will happen in the next year
we realize that time passes so quickly
for some people, 23 is a usual number
but for us..we're already think about married and kids :)

we're grow up sista!!

one think for sure,
after seeing how happy and bright her smile with her husband and baby bump
made me wanna GET MARRIED and PREGNANT

May 17, 2010

did you sleep last night?

found this picture on this site and made me kinda feel funny myself.I do sleeping like this. I am the one who put my leg over and the other leg under my blanket so i can feel warm and cold at the same time.I'm happy to know now that i'm not weird hahaha

May 16, 2010


My dreams keep on changing, but I do realize that they tend to grow bigger. I am an optimist, a believer that us humans can achieve almost anything in this world, and make change for a better world. But in order to make real dreams said, I need a companion. A partner who supports me, and hugs me for every failure and success I attain. I am tired of fighting alone, mapping out my bright future which day by day seems more surreal than real. When all my visions alter every certain day, one remains the same.

anyway, went off to KOTA TUA wif my lil niece and her parents. I never bored to go to this place. I love being around history and there's a lot of museum here.Explore it!

me and my brother kinda look like a tourist wif our outfit and bag

look for the little head between me and my brother.Yup!That's my lil' niece

this picture taken by an English man who said "may I take picture of her? she seem so cute"

oh Melody...Andin loves you :)

and remember..
For whatever happens in life, remember...there is always, always a lesson behind everything we go through. Heads up!!

May 14, 2010

May 10, 2010

its good to be back ( day 2)

you know how its feel when you finally got people around to laugh and share.its not that I dont have anyone around, but still its so hard to find person who really can be a good listener.its so lucky I have one.Although it took me 2 hour trip to meet them all :)

Why is it, that I usually don't appreciate days like this? More often I see it as a regular day, a day I feel like passing by so quick so I can just wake up to the next morning. A day I feel so tiring, that I just want to rush home so I can drown myself in the bed. But if I come to think about it, my days are rich. And I should be grateful.

Some people may not realize, but the number of friends or the quality times we get to spend with our friends actually decrease from time to time. Not that they become enemies, but they just get farther from you. My friends seem to sit on the outer side of an expanding ball that keeps growing bigger, and here I sit on the very core, struggling as it feels more distant to reach out.

Sometimes you just feel like owning your friend 24/7, but apparently they have another life besides you. And sometimes you just feel like being alone and keeping some distance, but unfortunately you live in a world where togetherness is key.

I guess that's life. Your mood swings, and your feelings play with you. We get lost sometimes, and we can't make up our minds. So let's wake up. Take control of ourselves, and put everything in harmony - nice and balanced. We live for others, and we live for ourselves. Life's a strategy..:)

its good to be back ( day 1)

like I've told you before, I spent my weekend in west java.met my girls, my boys, enjoyed sushi ,and watched concert.Its felt so great to have fun with them again.I really really miss a moment to gossiping,laughing together,taking picture and another thing that surely can boost up my here we are,step in PVJ and sushi-ing 'till drop.we can get enough of sushi.

then we head to Kampoeng Jazz
we shud go without Miska
cos she will have the last assignment for Tuesday.Gudluck dear :)

actually we decide to come to this Kampoeng Jazz's event,because there will be performance of MYMP.we love their songs since a couple years ago."Especially for you".but..turns out, Tompi and Glenn Fredly gave us an kick-ass performance!!!they're really phenomenal, if I may said.the power and euphoria is everywhere
That's what we called : Musician
Glenn asked Tompi to sing together

So sorry to say, but MYMP's suck!!took me by surprised that they replace their vocalist,Nina,with brand new one named,Sabrina.Unprofessional when their lead guitar got mad to the committee,because electric and sound trouble.we got pissed off too.cause their taking so long to check sound.we already tired and its 1 o'clock in the morning!!!so I asked my friend is it ok,if we go home after their sing "especially for u"and they said :OK!!
so we going off.

Big thanks for Glenn and Tompi. you're really made our night :)

May 7, 2010

hai hai..

i'm gonna hit off to Bandung

so I blew you off for couple day

have a nice weekend :)

May 4, 2010

May 3, 2010

May 2, 2010

heyho calamari!

I am one of those who are allergic to seafood like shrimp, crabs or shellfish. but I really love love love the squid.That's why,this weekend I made a big plate Calamari for sunday's lunch.

Awalnya agak shocked juga melihat ukuran para cumi yang besar besar dan masih berlumuran tinta.Saya membeli langsung cumi cumi ini di fresh market karena pengen ngerasain Calamari by me :) So,lets follow this recipe.

Bahan :
1000 gram cumi-cumi kupas, bersih, siap pakai
Garam 2 sendok teh,sesendok teh soda kue
2 putih telur,minyak untuk menggoreng

Tepung bumbu:
100 gram tepung beras,,sesendok teh tepung kanji, 1/4 sendok teh garam


1. Potong dulu badan si cumi-cumi melintang 1/2 cm an kira kira. Lumuri dengan garam dan soda kue. diemin selama 2 jam.
2. Aduk bahan tepung bumbu menjadi satu.
Lumuri cumi-cumi dengan tepung berbumbu, celupkan ke dalam putih telur, lumuri lagi dengan tepung berbumbu.
3. Panasin minyak goreng yang banyak di dalam wajan, gunakan api sedang. Masukkan cumi-cumi berbumbu, goreng sampai setengah matang (2 menit), angkat, tiriskan.
4. Kecilkan apinya, goreng kembali cumi-cumi setengah matang tadi bertahap sampai kerendam minyak. Setelah kering, angkat, tiriskan.

Saus Teriyaki :

Bwng pth 1,bwng merah 4,bwng bombay stengah,semuanya diiris2, saus tomat, segelas air putih diberi perasan jeruk nipis, saos teriyaki kemasan, garam, gula, royco ayam.

Cara membuat : tumis bawang putih+merah, setelah harum masukan saus tomat, aduk. Masukan air perasan jeruk limo. Biarkan mendidih. Masukan saus teriyaki kemasan, garam, royco ayam. Bila terlalu asam bisa ditambahkan sedikit gula pasir. Jadi deh..

*Sebenarnya kalo masalah saus buat cocolan nya sih tergantung selera, My brother is more like mayonnaise as a companion of the Calamari

Happy cooking :)