Feb 22, 2012

It's always darkest before the dawn

BAM!!! How I Met Your Mother season 7th,,,,episode 17th!!
Pretty damn good!! Lets dig it..

What was good ?
  • Yup. Loved it. That’s 2 for 2. This episode was mythology-heavy and did a great job of knocking down what last week set up. I was sincerely worried that they would blow it, and was pleasantly surprised to see that they smacked back-to-back homers.
  • We saw Mom! How sweet is that? Sure, that 20th Century Fox backlot ain’t fooling anyone, but I don’t care. This is the closest we have seen of her since her foot a few seasons back.
  • Marshall, the best friend we all need. The best friend who knows your feelings and true intentions better than you do, the one who will meet you at a bar at 0700 in the AM to talk, and cares enough to make a bet about your love life. Marshall is like the Yoda of this show; he seems like a silly mid-westerner at times (sorry) as well as a needy puppy dog, but he’s actually super-duper wise and a bad-ass to boot.
  • Barney ransacking LAME’s house and hiring a cleaning crew to mop up the mess. This is a good motivator for hard work and success; you will have the cash to fund your crazy schemes.
  • Ted and how the kiss went down. They say there are three truths in life; yours, mine, and the real one. I think we saw the real one first.
  • Very glad to see so many questions answered tonight. Yup, Ted saw something, but wasn’t sure what it was. Barney has grown up, and Ted certainly wasn’t expecting to see that.

I think its good that finally we could saw Ted move on from Robin. Sometimes all we need is pressure. Pressure to make our brain re-think about it all over again. Pressure to make we take Ted's courage to say that three little words. Pressure to accept all the bad things could happen. We can't force love.

and then it hit me. I think I need that Ted's courage. I need to make this silly little unfinished crush meet the finish line. So I can move on. Since a couple years ago, I think i'm done crushing him -no mention,I'm saving my ass ;)- I think I'm done thinking and wondering what could happen between us. But I've got no move. But when with all the sudden he comes up again, it will be sooooo prude to tell that i'm done with this crush. So, that lastest episode of HIMYM last night got me thinking that I think I have to make it closure. So is Florence and the Machine told us..in the ending of the episode.

and I've been a fool and I've been blind. i can never leave the past behind. I can se noway, I can see no way.I'm always dragging that horse around. And our love is pastured such a mournful sound. Tonight i'm gonna burry that horse in the ground. So I like to keep my issues drawn. But it's always darkest before the dawn.I am done with my graceless heart.So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart.- Florence and the Machine : Shake it out-

If I did my closure to him, I think finally I'm able to say :
"Believe it or not,I'm happy about this. I can finally move on.This is a good thing.Really :')"

and then like Ted's been quote :
"Here's the funny thing, in my own crazy way I was kind of happy. For the first time in year, there was no little part of me clinging to the dream of being with Robin.Which meant, for the first time in years, the world was wide open. Because when a door closes, well another door open"

its my turn!


Feb 10, 2012

welcome to my cribs *yay*

yap,akhirnya setelah perjuangan mencari kostan di daerah Radio Dalam yang tercinta ini, finally I can name where's my mon-to-fri-sleeping-place ...*jumpjump*

excuse the fuzzy mirror

i'm really into my cozy little room yey yey..
I'm gonna make it even comfy with the wall sticker..post it later