Jun 26, 2012

1953 - 2002

ITS JUNE 26TH 2012


Jun 25, 2012

another June 25th.

Hai Pa,

This June 25th 2012 marked as your 10th anniversary of rest in peace. 
Its been 10th years since 2002.

well, lotta things happen this year Pa,mom's getting old. She choose to come back and stay at Rumah Gadang. Its been a hard decision to finally let her go and lived there alone by herself. Really by her self.She's getting old,Pa. We can't and shouldn't let her live alone in that house.  But as we know, she's really happy to be there. Its like she'd often got sick in Jakarta, tired and fever because of the weather changes. And as far as we know, in Rumah gadang, she never ever got sick until nowadays. We assume that means she's relaxed :) 5 years in this big city is enough for her.

as for Ami, she's still in that remote area..She's doing great,having fun and had the moments she never had in her entire live before. A lot of friends to hang out with, love interest, a love to what she's been doing, come visit to Jakarta and the most important is she's got to be and do the independent. hopefully it'll make her more mature and grow up :)).  Rhino's been living for a while in 4E now, all together with his wifey and 2 kids and his brother in law following him. Had a job in production house,. To be honest i don't really get what's he doing,but he seems preety happy and well-fed..so I bet its good for him. Since he decided to take over the 4E, Kiki's have to move out and find someplace else to stay. Now he's staying in about 10m from 4E. Still doin' some series and sit in a assistant director's chair, nailed an indie movie for an actress couple months ago, find a love and then break up again,hahahhahahaha.. 

I'm still hangin in same office,Pa. Its been a bif of confusion for people around me, include mom. See, the office is about to shut down due to some corruption. We had to fired some of the employee, strain the outcome, work harder , doing multiple task because of the employee's cutback. Trembling at every end of the month wondering whether we can pay the employees and the resources or not. and its really not helping when your director/owner not around and seems dont care at all. People keep asking,why on earth am i still doing there. Well, for me its for the professional's sakes. If im out now, there's no one can handle my job and the company will not be saved, my friends sometimes don't get it. Fine by me, people are free to have their own opinion. At least I probably will stay here until the final decision. As for love story, well... kinda still stuck with the wrong situation but right person :) This strong differences in belief has literally killed me. He's,by this far, the best man i ever met (excuse my excessive). You're for sure gonna like him,Pa. He's got almost all your best too. Discipline, hard worker, thinker, family man, wise and lot of another good thing (again, excuse my excessive). But, its when down with the belief things. Its ok,i'm okay. This is the best decision for us. Mom's said,I'll get better one. 

Aunt Nunu visited me in last march, stay a night in my board house. We talked about lot of things and she cried for me in the morning. Shocked me. She's cried over my love story, my living, and my self. She never expect me to live this independent and had this much problem and still okay with that. Hey, you're the one who teach me to be tough. I simply said to Aunt Nunu, " Dont worry, I can take care of myself" and yes I DO.

I cant imagine what will happen in our life of you still breathing here with us. Its surely gonna be much much much better life :) We probably gonna live in Kalimantan for couple years and then moving again,we're gonna have a weekly schedule to go to the cinema - movies this day is really getting better and big and 3D and had greaaat story,Pa-, we're gonna have a lot of holiday trip, enjoying karaoke once a month, eat a lot kind of food, maybe get to do a midnight beer,  and lot of smile a long the way :)

The point is, you need to know that we're OK,Pa. Don't worry :)


*write to you again next year...

Jun 22, 2012

si Jakarta 485

Jakarta ulangtahun lagiii...PRJ lagii...Jakarta great sale lagiii....
seperti kata para punggawa C'mon Lennon ;
aku cinta J A K A R T A (diulang sampe 5x)

Mungkin beberapa tahuuuun yang lalu, saya gak ngebayangin bakal nyebut kota ini jadi rumah :). Selama ini selalu mikirnya Bandung lah yang bakal mencuri attention saya (but, still..), tapi I do love Jakarta more berhubung Jakartalah yang lebih banyak menjadi saksi perjalanan hidup saya selama hampir 5 tahun terakhir (tsaaah..).Susahnya banyaak,senengnya lebih banyaaakk...

Mungkin banyak yang benci kota ini, beberapa teman saya bahkan mengeluh hal yang sama setiap hari, ah jakarta... Bahkan ada seorang teman saya yang gave up sama kota ini dan akhirnya milih untuk mengabdi di kota kelahirannya. No offense, tapi umumnya orang yang awalnya tinggal di bandung atau bogor dan pada akhirnya "terpaksa" mengais di Jakarta punya asumsi yang sama. Kota ini melelahkan...,dengan macetnya, polusinya, kriminalitasnya, demonya, macetnya,jaraknya,padatnya, fasilitasnya,macetnya -oh I said that already ;)-

Tapi saya cinta kota ini, Jakarta slalu bisa ngasi kejutan buat saya. Mungkin karena warganya banyak, jadi tingkah laku orang nya juga banyaaaaak banget jenis nya. Benar kata sepupu saya, - mutya - kota ini slalu bisa ngasih saya tempat untuk menyendiri tanpa harus merasa kesepian, kota ini punya ratusaan tempat buat menyendiri dan bersenang senang. Mungkin memang banyak kesusahan yg bakal dialami d Jakarta, but hey, they have a lot of entertaining places too.

This is totally the city that never sleep, banyak banget rumah makan dan store 24 jam, dan holy cr*p klo ngedatengin sarinah jam 4 subuh juga masih rameee banget orang orang yg menuh-menuhin Mcd sarinah dan Sabang :). Jakarta slalu ngasih kebutuhna apa yg kita cari. Seriously,, mau nyari apaaaaa aja, you can find it in here.

well happy birthday Jakarta, please never stop to amaze me.. for those people who always complain about you? Booo them off the stage,,Jakarta itu sumpek,macet,transportasinya ga ada yang nyaman, ibukota negara, pusat pemerintaha, dan makin tahun makin rameeee....so just deal with it :)


Jun 20, 2012

Almost lover - A Fine Frenzy

Your fingertips across my skin/The palm trees swaying in the wind
Images/You sang me Spanish lullabies/The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick/I never want to see you unhappy/I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover/Goodbye, my hopeless dream/I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?/So long, my luckless romance/My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache/Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street/You took my hand and danced with me
Images/And when you left you kissed my lips/You told me you'd never ever forget these images,no

I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover/Goodbye, my hopeless dream/I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?/So long, my luckless romance/My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache/Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean/I cannot drive the streets at night/I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind/So you're gone and I'm haunted/And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that easy/To walk right in and out of my life?

ps: its so funny when a song can directly happen to your feeling and life..

Jun 17, 2012

 another 15th of June...another brand new number,,, (hopefully) better me in better age
three cakes..three group of candles and lotta smiles


My own new year's eve finally come and adding another number in my life. A couple years ago, birthday its all about candle, cake , gift and free dinner. But, going down with your moving forward age , when the day's come we're gonna give it more credit to what has happened and whatwill happen. We're not getting any younger but please keep our younger mind :) I had mixed feeling on my 15th june,happy,sad,miserable,confused,amused,light-hearted,and blue at the same time. But in the end its all just for my own good ( amien).

Its not enough words of thank to all my friends and related who can still remember the day i born :) It doesnt matter wheter you say it via BBM,t witter, facebook, text, phonecall, voicenote, Path, Line, email and to my face..I owe you all one, thank you :*.

Grow up doesnt always mean grow old *wink

Jun 1, 2012

are you really ready to travel?

Sabtu siang kemarin saya dan he-should-not-be-named(anymore) terlibat obrolan yang cukup seru mengenai jalan-jalan atau bahasa tren-nya travelling. Sibuk naming the places we ever been, yaaaa...saya harus mengaku kalah dengan dia yang sudah berhasil mengunjungi Raja Ampat!!!D*mn!But, bukan itu poinnya.. Point is what's gonna happen if you're travel with the wrong person.

Mungkin untuk travelling emang yang paling bener dan menyenangkan adalah bersama para sahabat arau teman dekat yaaa pastinya bisa bikin hubungan tambah akrab. Biasa kelakuan aneh dan unik mereka akan semakin terlihat dan that's bitter and sweet. People said, kita baru akan benar - benar tau tingkah laku seseorang itu kalo udah pernah travel "susah" bareng- bareng. And thats affirmative!!! Singkat cerita saya pernah traveling bersama seseorang yang entah kenapa sampai sekarang saya masih menganggap dia tidak akan pernah berhasil untuk traveling sendirian -ya kalo pada akhirnya dia berhasil, that'll be GREAT-. Akan sangat menyusahkan dan merepotkan kalo traveling sama orang yang nyusahin hahahaa...in other word,spoiled!Jadi, singkat cerita teman saya ini sifat manja nya kebangetan, padahal dia jauh lebih tua dari saya, jadilah ketika mengunjungi suatu tempat dia keukeuh minta makanan yang cocok di lidah, air mandi yang super bersih, transportasi yang memadai yang bernama mobil harus slalu stand by dan dia sangaaaat mudah changing mood.Kalo traveling, usahakan sebisa mungkin jauh - jauh dari tipe ini, its totally gonna ruin your mood. You come for holiday not to take care some kindergarten student. :) Kalo udah gini, hal yang mungkin bisa dilakukan hanya (terpaksa) bersabar.

Beda cerita dengan pengalaman teman obrol saya, ketika ia mendapat kesempatan langka untuk bertugas ke Sorong, tanpa buang waktu ia langsung curi kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Raja Ampat. Kebetulan, karena ia bertugas sendiri, maka dia bergabung dengan turis lain yang ingin ke tujuan yang sama. Dengan kata lain, dia berangkat traveling dengan orang yang sama sekali belum pernah ia temui sebelumnya. Thats kinda fun and..scary at the same time. Tapi yaaa karena dia laki-laki dan menurut saya laki - laki lebih mudah dalam bergaul, maka dengan nekat dan tekad yang bulat pun dia berangkat. Bergabung dengan 4 orang lainnya dalam 1 grup pastinya membuat dia memiliki 4 teman baru, yang 2 pasangan dari Austria, yang 2 lagi merupakan turis lokal dari Surabaya. Menurutnya, berkelana dengan orang yang ga kita kenal itu sebenarnya menyenangkan, karena obrolan penuh basa basi dan saling berbagi cerita akan dapat mengalir. Namun, jika kebetulan dapat orang yang kurang fun, akan sangat menyebalkan. Seperti, 2 pasang bule itu sangat akrab mengobrol dengannya dan berbagi cerita tentang pantai - pantai di Indonesia, sedangkan yang 2 dari lokal sangat tidak bersahabt dan susah untuk diajak bicara. Yaaa,mungkin mereka benar benar ingin liburan sendirian tanpa gangguan :).Tapi ujung-ujung dari komunikasi satu arah itu adalah, yang lain akan dirugikan ketika si guide kesusahan buat nyari si lokal setelah acara free selesai, akibatnya kapal pulang jadi terlambat hampir 3 jam.

Intinya sih, kalo kita mau travelling bareng sama temen-temen, sebisa mungkin kasih gambaran jelas tentang situasi tempat yang bakal dikunjungi. Entah itu situasi yang menyenangkan,banyak fasilitas dan akomodasi gampang, atau bahkan tempat yang akomodasi nya sangat terbatas dan penuh kemakluman :) Or you'll end up listening their whiny hehehe