Oct 26, 2009

salmon flame and freezing sunday

to celebrated my cousin ,Mutti, late birthday we're going to sky rink at Mall of Taman Anggrek to play ice skating..

its felt nice to finally have some time to having some fun..hahaa..
after a while,yes,i decided to get out at weekend and searching for the word F.U.N.. :)

and I did have fun and felling a little "plong" ..left the problem behind and tied it in bed.

we'd play for almost 4 hrs because my aunt keep the ticket and go to Grogol for delivering something. we surely feel cold and freeeezzzziiiinnnggg...

:Laugh is all I need:

I love the way my jeans tuck into the skate shoe

Gotta tell you how much I miss Sushi Groove's salmon flame so much much much..
Dan daripada membiarkan otak dan pikiran saya melayang layang membayangkan betapa nikmatnya si salmon flame itu, saya pun melangkahkan kaki menuju lantai 3.
without no doubt!

Sushi Groove im coming..salmon flame come to momma..

me and mutty. YES!! We're sushi junkie!!

anyway,how's yor weekend??
