Oct 28, 2009

come to see Jerry Aurum's

Tonight after office me and some friends, Miska-Abay-and-Angga, visit Jerry Aurum's photo exhibition in main atrium,Senayan City.

excuse for the blurry photos.. :)

Initially I saw the coverage of an interview with the photographer in TvOne, and I was interested to come directly to see the results of his work. Based on the theme, In My Room, Jerry Aurum's take pictures several community leaders with the location of their own rooms. there are celebrities, chefs, writers, directors, and many more. which makes me wonder, the photographer did not use additional lighting or other means of supporting photography. he only uses the camera and lighting in the room count of the target image.I was very impressed with the concept and thought the photographer.

The resulting picture was good, nice and interesting. Although there are a few photos of celebrities who are looks like a magazine photo shoot session and they make up. The point is your room, then why did you have to dress up? ow, probably because you are a celebrity who did not want to look ugly..hahaha...

anyway, for you who do not have time to come see the work of Jerry Aurum, here are some photos, enjoy :

Reza Gunawan, dee's husband

Dewi Lestari: writers,singer

Melanie Ricardo, announcer

Dewi Rezer and hubby,Marcellino

Shelomita and daughter

Titi Dj and Ovie "Rif"

Cathy Sharon

Dian Sastrowardoyo

Sita Nursanti *what a gorgeus laugh


Dj Winky and his,Kenes

The Saputra's

Daniel Mananta *controversial pic

If Jerry Aurum dare to ask picture of me and my room, there should be like this,
only better.haha


enjoy the photos y'all...
