Jan 2, 2012

230km away from Bogor

say good bye to Jogja's plan..say hello to Ujung Genteng!!!

I just come back from Ujung Genteng, which is up to 6 0r 8 hrs from Bogor, some nice and not so hot weather, wll ok its rainy, where me and all my bestfriend spent our New Years Eve. We are not the crazy party type, we just like to laugh, eat super late dinner in wet clothes from the beach, played UNO card, wait till 12 o'clock, hug each other, UNO again and go to bed. Been excited to this trip ,since none of us ever been there and there's a plenty time and minimum budget and not to forget,,6 to 8 hours from Bogor..Despite all of the fact that it was hard rain along the trip, we do had fun!!

this is a great trip, well at least for me. I really enjoyed a holiday trip,,and all bestfriend made it complete.I don't really care about the budget, you can always looking for money, but a moment? Damn, you get to catch them..Its not always gonna be around you.Capture!
the time's forced us to say goodbye to 2011 and welcoming 2012..crossing finger and hope the Mayans were wrong.

ps: we'are planning our next trip and I've been drooling them over the Bira Island...lets keep wishes that trip coming true :)

H A P P Y.N E W.Y E A R 2012