Jul 26, 2013

currently read

Gretchen Rubin asked herself, “What do I want from life, anyway?” She answered, “I want to be happy”

I have no idea how to properly convey how I feel about this book. I felt so much for it and because of it and it's kind of crazy. I saw so much of myself in the author and some of the examples she explained, half the time I was sitting there dumbstruck. She breaks down her resolutions in such a way it's very easy to follow along and she is so specific in how they work out you really can't ask for much more.

It's funny that I've reacted to The Happiness Project so strongly too because originally it just sounded like a cute and fun memoir which is something I love to read, but it was so so much more than that. You might think with it being a bit of a self help book that it could get preachy or be filled with boring clinical talk or charts and graphs but it's nothing at all like that. It's someone sharing their wonderful experience with great insight that is very easy to transfer to your own life.

lets continue then..

Jul 19, 2013

Friday almost 2 a.m. can't sleep. light off.scrolling through 'capture it" photos in my phone.

they said ; throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they won't judge you. This person is your soul mate, your best friends. Don't let them go.

tiba tiba rasanya rindu..

rindu obrolan hangat di sela sela kentang goreng dan minuman penghangat favoritnya. rindu perasaan hangat yang selalu membuncah hanya dengan melihat senyum atau mendengar nya memanggil nama saya dengan halus. rindu omelan omelan nya yang selalu muncul saat saya mengeluh dan terjebak di aura negatif. rindu dengan entah bagaimananya ia selalu bisa memperlihatkan hal manis dari setiap masalah saya, even when I even didn't see it coming.rindu perasaan dimana si sahabat saya akan berkata "kamu suaranya bahagia sekali". rindu mengulur sore bersama walau hanya bertukar emoji di smartphone.rindu dengannya yang selalu mengingatkan saya untuk mengutamakan bagaimana bikin mama bahagia. rindu dengan tangan yang bertaut walau dalam keheningan, hening yang rasanya nyaman sekali.rindu kerutan di pinggir matanya ketika ia tertawa.

rindu betapa bersemangat nya ketika bercerita tentang kerjaannya yang tidak saya mengerti sama sekali. rindu ketika perdebatan dan obrolan mengenai hal yang disebut agama nya dan agama saya bisa kadang menimbulkan emosi dan hopeless laugh.rindu "kan ada aku.." yang keluar dari mulutnya. rindu tepukan lembut di punggung yang rasanya seperti dorongan penyemangat. rindu caranya menularkan kedewasaan padaku yang kadang saya benci, karena memang beberapa orang( seperti saya) terlalu keras hatinya untuk berubah dan bisa, satu satunya cara adalah dengan teguran keras.rindu betapa tetap setianya walaupun pertanyaan yg ia tanyakan yang selalu akan saya balas dengan pertanyaan lagi. rindu bagaimana ia mengajarkan saya bahwa Tuhan yang akan mencukupkan semuanya, jadi tak perlu cemas dalam hidup karena semua sudah diaturNya.dia mengajarkanku cara berserah. rindu akan kalimat sesimpel "din,mama kirim salam.."

aah..jadi rindu sekali rasanya.

muluk muluk yah...klise dan gombal sekali rasanya hahaha saya menertawakan dimana akhirnya saya sendiri yang mengingkari janji. berjanji tidak akan menulis apapun tentangnya lagi di lini ini. dasar khianat kamu,dini! 

Suatu ketika dia pernah berkata ; "sekarang nih ya, ada banyak orang all over the world yang sama seperti saya, sama seperti kamu. They're maybe lonely sometimes. Mereka rindu seseorang. Mereka jatuh cinta pada seseorang yang they probably shouldn't fall in love with. Mereka punya rahasia yang mungkin kamu ga akan percayai. Mereka berharap, bermimpi, berdoa dan they look out the window whenever they're in car or bus or train. Dan mereka memperhatikan orang orang dijalan dan wondering what they've been through. Mereka selalu mengira - ngira apakah orang orang menyenangi dirinya. Mereka seperi saya, bahkan seperti kamu. Kamu bisa cerita apa saja dan mereka akan mengerti. You're never alone."

we are never alone actually, but we almost always feels like we're alone. 

God's love you :)

Jul 17, 2013

how do you like your egg?

scrambled on toast? Omelette? Sunny side up? poached?

I'm an egg person.. I just crazy about egg. Eat it everyday and have no problem with it (so far i guess..)

I was reminded the time when I had breakfast at Biku,Bali. We ordered a full breakfast menu which include breads, jam, steamed veggie, tomato,fries,smoke beef and etc. But my eyes fixed a view instead on the table next to me. They ordered,I don't know what it called on the menu, but its a toast with bacon and poached egg. A perfect poached egg. It yolk just flow as you split it. Nom!! I would def order it if its not I had a full stomach. And then right at that time, I speak in my head and questioning, how to make a perfect poached eggs like that? How can it be so good looking and also I bet it tasted good. Wondering...

And today I re-watched Julie and Julia, and right at the scene when Julie learn how to make a poached egg, that ideas pop up in my head again. Why haven't I tried it? 
Thanks to a helpful web called Pinterest, I get the trick.

Looks easy isn't it? 
I really really can't wait to try this :)

Jul 16, 2013

silly little things that make me happy #2

summer dan semangka dingin

Jul 12, 2013

Don't Listen to the Critics!

Okay I have to write this.. I owe it to simply remind people that Depp never failed!

"Tonto: There come a time, when good man must wear mask."

You know the plot; you also know who is in this movie so lets get to it. The Lone Ranger presents a new take on the classic characters the Lone Ranger and Tonto. This film is exactly what a summer movie should be and one fun ride that you most definetely don't want to miss.The story is well told and gives you a good idea of how a man named John Reid becomes the Lone Ranger who is brilliantly played by Armie Hammer. Johnny Depp obviously stole the show for his portrayal of Tonto; I thought it was one of his best characters he's ever played. Depp steals the show with his one liners, a few times I just started laughing at the comments he would make. Overall i'd give this movie an 9/10. What I really enjoyed about the movie was that the special effects didn't look too fake. Yeah a few scenes you may have been like yeah right in your head but unlike Fast and the Furious 6, the special effects people on this project do a great job keeping it looking realistic.Settling down in my seat and 10 minutes into the movie, I was hooked on. A spectacular opening scene, where the outlaws make away with their chief held captive and being transported on a train. I love everything in this movie. The coboy's soundtrack , Depp, the story, the punchline, everything's entertain!

It is too bad that there appears to be a hate on for this movie simply because it seems that a lot of money was spent in its making. But look at it this way, when you hire real stunt persons, construct and destroy real trains and stage many stunts for real, it is not going to be cheap. I would rather support this type of movie-making any day instead of the tired CGI based effects laden yawners. Every penny of the budget is on screen in a beautiful shot and staged movie. I found it to be an enjoyable 159 minutes of entertainment. I would really love to go and watch this movie again.

Don't let the so called "professional "critics" make your choices. Let's face it critics get paid to over analyze and pick things apart. 

Just believe in your eyes and believe in Depp ;)

Jul 11, 2013


they said. :

clear your mind of can't

changing your thinking and reaction patterns

keep on positive

happy thought

think as somebody else's shoe


but they never said how to do it  !!

Jul 3, 2013

another June

Hello Daddy,

Been eleven years in 2013.
I blame myself for this delayed post, as I promised to me, I'll write to you every June 25th but I missed it for like a week this years. 

What's new? well, I finally took a leap to resign from that company which turns out to be evil company hahahaha... why I said so, the people are too greedy and I dont know how to say it, after all I've done for them, now they're just like....that. Friends put pity on me, but I'm not even sad. I am mad. They made me sit at the worst version of my self. Being a person who has a negative aura, overthinker, unbeliever, more on that, now I believe there's a bad side on everybody. I do. Until I talked to a friends, and he did made me see the bright side of this mess. Well, I think all I need in the end is a good talk and no judge, and well maybe a bit of compliment hahaha.. I really thanked for people who do believe in me even when I didn't :)

And for Ami, she finally had a boyfriend. Yay! From the beginning, she's really looked like a teenage girl who fallin' in love really hard, crash in the middle and the sadness and the hubbub comes along. They planning to get married though. Just let keep our finger crossing on that one. The news spreading like an acne when your often touch your face. Fast. The Aunts knew..cousins knew..uncle's knew, about their love story and problem. Extrovert people always impressed me. But hey, no judge here..as long as you're happy sis.An mom happy ahhahahaha. Oya, the bad news is we barely get in touch with Rhino, moreover he'd been move to Lampung for better reason and I think that made us keep in lost contact. Yea,believe me dad..phone is useless and not well used I think. Graham Bell must be sad. 

So, our family is in a long distance family-ship right now. Mom's in Bukareh, Ami still in PP, Rhino in Lampung, well I may said that Vicky and me still in the same phone code..He's in Depok and I'm sittin' here in South Jakarta. Cool isn't it. 

In this 2013 and summer movies are great! They made a prequel from Monster Inc, and Chuck Norris cast in The Expendables 2 last year. He still got it. I really can't wait to watch Depp in The Lone Ranger, its been delayed since last year and finally release this summer. Woohooo... No more Downey Jr in Iron Man movie, he didn't want to continue the role same as what Christian Bale did for Batman. Three movie is enough for them. I started to watched Korean variety show called Running Man since I can't remember. The show is great, they really gave us full laughter. I think you're gonna love it. You're gonna love yoo jae suk!

We still have about five months ahead. So I really hope this year would be a better year than before for me and for our family. I really do. We've been through a lot and I think its maybe the right time we deserve something "something" :)

Wish us luck and happy,Dad.

May you always rest in peace and happy birthday :)