Jul 12, 2013

Don't Listen to the Critics!

Okay I have to write this.. I owe it to simply remind people that Depp never failed!

"Tonto: There come a time, when good man must wear mask."

You know the plot; you also know who is in this movie so lets get to it. The Lone Ranger presents a new take on the classic characters the Lone Ranger and Tonto. This film is exactly what a summer movie should be and one fun ride that you most definetely don't want to miss.The story is well told and gives you a good idea of how a man named John Reid becomes the Lone Ranger who is brilliantly played by Armie Hammer. Johnny Depp obviously stole the show for his portrayal of Tonto; I thought it was one of his best characters he's ever played. Depp steals the show with his one liners, a few times I just started laughing at the comments he would make. Overall i'd give this movie an 9/10. What I really enjoyed about the movie was that the special effects didn't look too fake. Yeah a few scenes you may have been like yeah right in your head but unlike Fast and the Furious 6, the special effects people on this project do a great job keeping it looking realistic.Settling down in my seat and 10 minutes into the movie, I was hooked on. A spectacular opening scene, where the outlaws make away with their chief held captive and being transported on a train. I love everything in this movie. The coboy's soundtrack , Depp, the story, the punchline, everything's entertain!

It is too bad that there appears to be a hate on for this movie simply because it seems that a lot of money was spent in its making. But look at it this way, when you hire real stunt persons, construct and destroy real trains and stage many stunts for real, it is not going to be cheap. I would rather support this type of movie-making any day instead of the tired CGI based effects laden yawners. Every penny of the budget is on screen in a beautiful shot and staged movie. I found it to be an enjoyable 159 minutes of entertainment. I would really love to go and watch this movie again.

Don't let the so called "professional "critics" make your choices. Let's face it critics get paid to over analyze and pick things apart. 

Just believe in your eyes and believe in Depp ;)