Dec 20, 2011

they're smiling :)

once my friend asked me, what exactly my point to join and build this foundation together. Since I think its really string attached when your answer is " able to reward or planting your stock for heaven" and bla bla bla.. I just simply answer ; cause I wanna do a good deeds with you guys.

so here we are, had some fun with the orphanage. Playing games, quiz, watched the movie and lunch. Its quite nice, although while the preparation certainly there some constrain with the budget,personnel, and etc.But we nailed it!

anyway, while i'm sitting there with them, I'm beyond my imagination and thinking whats on earth could make them happy? How could they're able to get a full laughter like that? Well, of course there's a lot of thing could make you happy.Its good to contemplate and evaluate our lives regularly, don't you think? But the act of contemplating and evaluating doesn't always hate to resolve around our weakness, our faults, our area of's also good to remind ourselves about our strengths, achievements, anything positive so that we appreciate ourselves and lives better..sound of rain make me happy,..think of things that go beyond the tangibles,,things that underline our positive value.Happiness is a mindset. You don't create it, and its not a destination. This life is your to enjoy.

Life doesn't end when we die. Life ends when we decide to stop touching each other, through our hands and hearts. When I no longer exist in your heart, what is there to share? And when life takes me away, who will be there to care?. Let's not stop sharing .... :)

Dec 15, 2011

menurut saya, ucapan adalah janji :)

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya menemukan blog salah satu comic Stand Up Comedy Indonesia, Ernest Prakasa, didalam salah satu postingnya ia membahas bagaimana ia diajarkan untuk memegang dan konsisten dalam setiap ucapannya. berikut kutipan dari postingannya ;

Seperti bocah laki2 pada umumnya, saat melewati toko mainan, saya pun merengek minta dibelikan.Pada saat itu, respon ibu saya adalah, “Iya, nanti ya”. Dan kami pun lanjut berkeliling, lalu pulang ke rumah kakak ibu saya. Saya pun lupa akan kejadian di toko mainan tadi.

Malamnya, saat ayah saya menjemput saya dan ibu saya di rumah kakaknya, saya kembali merengek di jalan pulang. “Tadi kata mama nanti, nanti, manaaa? Kapan beli mainannya?”, kira2 begitulah protes saya.

“Bener kamu tadi bilang mau beliin?”
“Iya, tapi udahlah gausah. Mainan di rumah udah numpuk pa!”
“Ya ga bisa. Biar gimanapun, kamu udah janji.

sebenarnya mungkin hal ini simple,tapi ngena banget. Apalagi buat orang yg tipikal ga-enakan dan suka kepikiran jenis saya.ijinkan saya sedikit memuji diri sendiri, namun kadang hal se simpel ini -yang mungkin menurut beberapa orang tidak sesimpel itu *baca:saya- bisa bikin hubungan anda dengan orang lain akan mengalami goncangan. Misalnya contoh kejadian perkara yang saya alami beberapa hari yang lalu. Seperti biasa jadwal pulang kantor saya pukul 17.00, namun jarang sekali kami pulang teng-go,dan pada hari itu sekitar jam 6 lewat saya sudah sampai di St.Sudirman, karena kereta pada telat,maka iseng saya bbm teman yang kebetulan akan naik rketa yang sama

saya : Eh, bareng gak? Kretanya udah di st.kemayoran..lo dmana?

si teman : Gw udah naik kopaja kok. mau nungguin gw ga? Biar bareng,kebetulan gw ada titipan nih buat lo.

saya: oh tunggu di st.sudirman udah disini.

Ok gw tunggu. Itu adalah sebuah janji menurut saya. Karena itulah saya mengabaikan beberapa kereta yang seharusnya bisa saya naiki untuk sampai tujuan saya,demi menunggu kedatangan si teman dan naik kreta yang sama.Namun yang terjadi adalah.. 40 menit berlalu menunggu siteman,tiba tiba ia mem-bbm saya, isinya ; "eh lo dmana?Gw udah naik nih" .BAM!! saya bingung harus jawab apa. hanya bisa diam dan yaaa ngedumel deh dikit dikit. Lalu apa lagi yang harus saya lakukan? rasanya gondoook sekali. cerita keteman saya yang lain,mereka akan berkata "nah lo bodoh,knapa harus nungguin"

Ya, karena saya sudah berjanji. Walau tidak terucap "Ok gw janji nungguin lo", tapi itu (seharusnya) merupakan invisible commitment antara saya dan teman saya tersebut.Dan akan sangat menyebalkan jika dilanggar atau tidak ditepati. Beberapa kejadian seperti "ntar gw bbm y" dan pada akhirnya tidak terlaksana pasti tak asing dan pernah kita lakukan.

Sounds so simple, yet so difficult to implement. But then again, difficult doesn’t mean impossible, rite?

so lets keep our word and promises ;)

Dec 14, 2011

#ageless movie: My Girl (1991)

My Girl is one of the movies that never seems to age, well at least for me. When a movie's plot is set in an earlier time period, it is forever stuck in the year that it's portrayed, in1972. In my mind Macaulay Culkin is 11 years old super cutie and Jamie lee Curtis still looks super hot in denim bell-bottoms. It took me a while to finally found this movie and download it. Thankyou super thanks to indowebster ;)

This film is fantastic!! Honestly, I have never cried so much (well,ok its a lie ) watching a movie. But even though the bits towards the end which will have you bawling are what the film is remembered for, everything in this film is just...fantastic! Part are hilarious , parts are just sweet and by the end of the film, you are genuinely caring for the characters.

The strength of "My Girl" isn't its story, but its little nuances of innocent bliss. Vada willingly shows a group of glowing boys a dead body. As the ride their bikes, Vada and Thomas J. sing `The Name Game'. When writing poems `from the soul', Vada writes an ode to ice cream. The relationship between Harry and Shelly is sweet, too. Before their first date, Harry's womanizing brother points out that since Harry's last date, a sexual revolution has occurred. Of course, Shelly only desires a proper and old-fashioned gentleman, which very much complicates their first date.

Oh, Vada. Why did you have to grow up and star in that mediocre sequel a few years later? And Thomas J., you were so cute before you started looking like a distant cousin to Draco Malfoy. Although I have to give you and Mila Kunis props for defying the Hollywood relationship statistic. I'm thinking you two will be the Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn of our generation.

these are a few memorable subs ;)

Vada: Why do you think people want to get married?
Thomas J. Sennett: When you get old, you just have to.

Vada: I'm gonna marry Mr. Bixler.
Thomas J. Sennett: You can't marry a teacher, it's against the law.
Vada: It is not.
Thomas J. Sennett
: Yes it is, 'cause then he'll give you all A's, and it won't be fair.

Thomas J. Sennett: What do you think it's like?
Vada Sultenfuss: What?
Thomas J. Sennett: Heaven.
Vada Sultenfuss: I think... everybody gets their own white horse and all they do is ride them and eat marshmallows all day. And everybody's best friends with everybody else. When you play sports, there's no teams, so nobody gets picked last.
Thomas J. Sennett: But what if you're afraid to ride horses?
Vada Sultenfuss: Doesn't matter 'cause they're not regular horses. They've got wings. And it's no big deal if you fall 'cause you'll just land in a cloud.


Dec 13, 2011

got me line

this is my first dress. Officially do-it-my self. I'm getting attached to this sewing thing, hope it could stay for a long time :) I can't wait to be able making a dress for my besties and for my self (of course) Lets keep the hope up up up in the air .

anyway, I randomly blog walking to Zarry Hendrik's Tumblr and found this one :

Ini waktunya mengejar ketertinggalanku. Bukan lagi mengejar yang meninggalkanku.


Dec 12, 2011

pillow talk

To be honest, sewing my own clothes always be my passion. But again, never comes that easy :)
I already had my own sewing machine since a couple months ago, but never ever really touch it.Too many distraction. So last sunday, I got nothing to do on my free day so I collect a bunch of leftover cloth and turn it into a pillow :)

the super nice cloth

sketch it first

welcoming the "HERO"

First I cut the cloth into a pattern, just a simple one, make it rectangular and triangle..
I did challenge my self to make an elephant pattern, just a super easy one...

I am super excited!
can't wait to collect another piece of cloth and got my self busy with the sewing machine again..
and the one day i'm gonna be able to make my own ready to wear dress :)

Dec 9, 2011


-you never know how strong you are
until being strong is the only choice you have -

Dec 5, 2011


this impulsive thing is killin' me

Dec 2, 2011


karna udah temenan,,jadi misalnya janji kecil-simple-g ditepatin-tanpa -kabar-terlebih-dahulu boleh dianggap wajar dan dimaklumi aja yah??

i'm the one who always treat a promise with all the best I can do. I always shipped anyone who can keep their promise. Even for the tiny little one . That's why I always hope that my friend keep the promise their made to me. Sounds possessive , I know. But isn't it nice when you're hoping something had been told to you and it become real? even the famous people said ; don't make a promise that you can't keep.

oke ini sedikit curhat,untuk janji kecil seperti, "besok janjian di depan taman jam 7 pagi ya"..
ketika saya meng 'iya'kan janji itu, otak saya akan langsung bekerja dan membayangkan berarti besok saya tidak boleh tidur lagi setelah solat subuh, berarti saya besok harus naik kreta jam segini, untuk itu keperluan besok harus disiapkan malam ini, berarti malam ini harus tidur jam segini..blaa.bllaa.blaa.. yaaah, hal hal kecil yang harus saya pikirkan agar saya tidak terlambat ke pertemuan janji itu. Walaupun pada akhirnya saya sedikit terlambat bangun dan harus mengeluarkan dana yang sedikit lebih banyak demi naik kendaraan tercepat (baca:ojeg) untuk sampai di tujuan tepat waktu, well at least i'm trying my best to fill it.
tapi kenyataannya? Teman saya muncul pukul 7.45 dan tanpa kabar bahwa ia akan terlambat. Sekian PING sudah terkirim dan keringat mengucur di dahi karena menunggu dengan mati gaya di taman itu selama 45 menit. Padahal itu hanya janji untuk berangkat bersama ke sebuah maal yang jaraknya 5 menit jalan kaki dari tempat saya menunggu. pasti anda berpikir "kenapa saya g langsung aja ke mall itu dan menunggunya disana?".. Because when we made promise, we make it true.

The worst part is,,ketika teman saya sampai di lokasi, tidak ada perkataan maaf keluar dari mulutnya :)
