Apr 30, 2010

Tony Stark : "Its good to be back"

yep yep yep...I just back from the cinema near my office.We did a little runaway from work to watching IRON MAN 2!!!its ok..its Friday :)

Ini adalah salah satu sequel yang saya tunggu di 2010.Karya Jon Favreu ini emang cukup enak dinikmati.Iron man yg pertama,Incredible!!I like it so much.so, that will be a sin if you not watch this sequel after.Walau saya sedikit kecewa karena peran Rhodes tidak lagi diperankan oleh Terrence Howard - yang mana penampilan nya di Iron Man pertama,sangat enak diliat - namun ia digantikan oleh Don Cheadle, yang saya rasa kurang cocok,miss-cast!

Tapi penampilan Mickey Rourke bisa di berikan applause sebagai sosok villain yg ekspresinya oke banget jhahaha so far, saya suka!! seperti biasa, efek ruang bawah kediaman Tony Stark yg penuh komputerisasi dan lincahnya jari jari Tony dalam komputerisasi canggihnya berhasil membuat penonton berdecak kagum. Ke frustasian dan ke narsisan sang Tony Stark juga menjadi daya tarik pemikat film ini.beside that,Favreau reassembles his main cast for another witty and exciting romp -- and adds the likes of Mickey Rourke and Scarlett Johansson to increase our viewing pleasure.

Sam L.jackson + Mickey Rourke add the awesomeness to this movie
Jon favreau,the director..as Happy Hogan

Scarlet Johansson ( natalie ) - Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper)

Ada beberapa hal yg menarik perhatian saya di film ini,selain main plotnya tentu saja,
. Saya biasanya tidak suka melihat Scarlet Johansson, tapi di film ini dia Amazing.cantik,g banyak omong,and dark red hair!!!awesome!!

.Si sutradara kembali ambil bagian peran sebagai Happy Hogan, supir pribadi Tony. Dasar sutradara ga mau ketinggalan haha

. kalo ada Iron Man 3, sebaiknya si Terrence ditarik lagi deh buat jadi Rhodes, Don is okay,..but not good enough!!

.Pas adegan trakhir ketika si mentri berfoto sama Rhodes dan Tony starka,entah knapa senyumnya tampak seperti Susni Duaji hahaha

.yang paling menarik perhatian saya adalah appearance of DJ AM GOLDSTEIN , walau cuma sepersekian detik, penampilan DJ AM cukup jadi daya tarik ampuh.mengingat dia udah meninggal dan its kinda good to see him back.walau cuma sebentar

Adam Goldstein

It's the film's tone and the screen charisma of Robert Downey Jr that makes this big, bold action filled sequel such a blast. As he was the first time around, Downey Jr. is the man!And High expectations from the first movie may leave some wanting, but there's enough brilliance on display to leave you wanting more as we.

so what are you waiting for..go to the cinema near you!!happy watching :)

eos 1000D

have you ever been in a position where you really want something but got the knock on costs? ow I bet it happen a lot :) well,that thing's currently happen to me right now. I've told you before that I had a crush on Canon ixus 130 now,I had no feeling for that thing anymore..I have new crush, still on Canon.but more pro :) since people around me are poisoning my mind with a variety of considerations for this thing, I got confused and frustrated.I am not being a drama queen here, but the problem is I really want this thing so bad!since high school..but I'm not that brave to ask my mom for it.I trapped between consideration the needs and opportunities.on one hand, I really want to have this thing and wanting to learn more about the field, not because of prestige or pride or..prestige. I strongly int0 this kind of activity and love it really really much.All my friend and family knew about my passion.But in the other hand,I have spending money but its still less to own this thing. I could just borrow a little money left to my elder brother, but I'm not sure he would give, because he also has something to buy.you would say I must be patient and save a little longer. But I really want this thing right now,Because there are two moments in front of me that would be very unfortunate if not at once immortalized in pictures.Yes I did sound a little selfish.

But again, I'm kind of people who thinks "you can find the money anytime"
and since 10 years ago,I was not accustomed to asking stuff I want to my mother. I am always trying to find my way and my own money to buy what I want
so,do you think I should go for it? or I should wait "the proposal" being approve by my brother?

got me dizzy

Apr 28, 2010


random random random

what would you attempt to do
if you knew you could not fail ?

sometimes, I just need someone to talk to.
I always being a really good listener
but I never really had one.

Apr 26, 2010

dear you..

Dear my best friend,

I love you more daily
I wish you could see yourself the way I see you and I wish you could love yourself the way I love you.and above all, I wish your life is everything you deserve because,in my opinion, you deserve the world.I will stand by you forever,my heart will always belong to you. Keep holding on,cause we know we make it true,just stay strong cause you know I'm here for you.You're not alone together we stand I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand.


Apr 24, 2010

pearl,cigar and black dress

Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly

finally I got the dvd!! fist to the air
so far I only enjoy it through Internet downloads
big thanks to Glodok!!

Breakfast at Tiffany's

the famous pretty eye-mask
The story is more about Struggling writer Paul Varjak (George Peppard -the-handsome-one) moves into a New York apartment building and becomes intrigued by his pretty, quirky neighbor Holly Golightly. Holly's lifestyle confuses and fascinates Paul; in public she flits through parties with a sexy, sophisticated air, but when they're alone she changes into a sweetly vulnerable bundle of neuroses.here's some quotes i love to share :)

Holly Golightly: He's all right! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.
Paul Varjak: Tiffany's? You mean the jewelry store.
Holly Golightly: That's right. I'm just CRAZY about Tiffany's!

Holly Golightly: You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels.

Paul Varjak: [about Holly and Jose] So you're getting married, then?
Holly Golightly: Well, he hasn't really asked me, not in so many words.
Paul Varjak: Four you mean?
Holly Golightly: Huh?
Paul Varjak: Well that's how many it takes: will you marry me?

"Hi..I'm Holly Golightly"

oh I heart Audrey Hepburn a lot!!!

Apr 23, 2010

can buy me love

somebody please...
buy it for me :)
I'm begging you..with cherry on top *wink wink

its Canon Ixus 130

wanna know why i want this thing so bad??
check out the commercial by Paula Taylo

so,,pleasssee.. *down on my knee

Apr 22, 2010

care for a homemade hot dog?

quick question!how to make a hot dog if we don't like sausage?

Boo yah!!there's always mince meat as a choice :)
jadi ga harus maksain pake sosis,,ganti aja pake daging cincang,but..kali ini saya dalam keadaan darurat dan ga ada su[permarket besar dekat rumah.jadilah saya mengunjungi minimarket terdekat dan mencari pengganti daging cincang..Tertarik mau nyoba bikin hot dog dengan cara simple? ini dia caranya :

bahan bahan :

- Roti hotdog (udah mulai banyak yg jual )
- Kalo g ada daging cincang bisa diganti pake corned beef (lebih gampang dicari)
- Mozzarella ,,atau pake keju parut biasa aja juga boleh,tergantung selera
- bawang putih dan garam
- saus tomat dan saus sambal
- seledri

caranya :
1. Belah pinggiran roti pake gunting,jangan pake pisau,,karena hasilnya bakal ga rata.
2. Panaskan minyak sesendok teh dan tumis bawang putih sampai harum,lalu masukkan daging cincang dan beri garam secukupnya.Aduk rata
3. Tambahkan saus tomat dan saus sambal sesuai selera.Aduk rata.Setelah matang.Diamkan beberapa saat.
4.Panggang sebentar bagian dalam roti.jangan lupa oleskan mentega biar nikmat.
5. Setelah agak dingin, masukkan bahan tumisan daging cincang tadi ke dalam roti,masukkan pelan pelan biar ga berantakan ya..lalu oleskan kembali saus tomat/sambal sesuai selera. taburkan keju parut/mozzarella dan seledri.

a simple homemade hotdog siap dinikmati :))

Bon Appetite!!!!

Apr 21, 2010

Apr 18, 2010

sunshine and a park

Enjoy my beautiful saturday wif my lil niece,Melody.Seems like a picnic in the park would be a great plan.it is. Although we had to walk to lookin' for the best place to sit and had lunch.Its doesnt really matter.We do enjoy it :))

these are what we bring to picnic-lunch time\:)
a lot of snacks,mineral water,sunglasses,
super sampler-lomo,tissue,fried noodle,rug,
plastic ball,mini pillow

Look at the bright cloud between the dark one

Apr 15, 2010

Apr 12, 2010

Join me on sunday!

a day with lovely friends
its been a while since the last gathering.so here we are..step up at Margo city to chit chat,laugh and karaoke-ing.move from cafe to cafe.discuss about a trip to Pulau Seribu.and in the end back to the first place.watched Jazzy Night at Margo City.There's a performance from Commando 7th Fleet,US
They're great!!So did Adhyaksa Dault!! Our ex-minister.lol

junior high-mates!
still being a good friends.alhamdulillah :)

Apr 10, 2010

smokey smokerson

after a while..
after a lot of mention..
a lot of buzz on YM..
a lot of texting..
hundred phone call

we're gathering again!!!yey!! *highfive

Some people may not realize, but the number of friends or the quality times we get to spend with our friends actually decrease from time to time. Not that they become enemies, but they just get farther from you. My friends seem to sit on the outer side of an expanding ball that keeps growing bigger, and here I sit on the very core, struggling as it feels more distant to reach out.My friends and I still live within the same sphere though, so I know that they are and will always be around. We all just grow, evolve, branch out, which is why the ball grows bigger.

laff you all.*kisshugs

Apr 9, 2010


isn't it a cool cover?!!!

You know, you really are... fantastic.

yes.I'm in love with this movie.
I cant stop smiling ear to ear when i watched this foxy foxy foxy :))

jadi film ini bercerita tentang ;
Mr Fox sudah lama meninggalkan kebiasaan lamanya menjadi pencuri ayam milik peternak yang tinggal tak jauh dari rumahnya. Sejak kelahiran Ash , Mr. Fox dan istrinya lebih suka hidup damai bersama keluarganya. Semuanya tiba-tiba saja berubah ketika Kristopherson, keponakannya datang berkunjung.Seolah tersadar dari koma, Mr. Fox kembali menjalani kebiasaan buruknya sebagai pencuri. Yang jadi korban jelas adalah tiga petani yang ada di sekitar rumah Mr. Fox,Bean, Boggis, dan Bunce. I tak menyadari bahwa apa yang ia lakukan sebenarnya lebih dari sekedar kembali menghidupkan kebiasaan lama namun juga membahayakan kehidupan keluarga dan teman-teman sesama binatang di area itu.Karena jengkel dengan kelakuan Mr. Fox, ketiga petani itu pun mulai menyerang balik. Mereka tak rela binatang ternak mereka dipakai berpesta keluarga rubah dan bertekad harus membunuh semua rubah yang ada di sana. Kini Mr. Fox harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya. Ia harus bisa melindungi keluarganya sekaligus seluruh binatang yang akhirnya dirugikan oleh ulah Mr. Fox.

Menurut saya,Fantastic Mr Fox merupakan sebuah animasi yang rasanya lebih ditujukan kepada orang dewasa. Saya rasa anak-anak sulit menangkap perbandingan status sosial yang disampaikan dengan cerdik. Bean, Boggis, dan Bunce merepresentasikan kaum berduit, sementara Mr Fox dan para binatang lain tentunya representasi dari mereka yang kurang berada. Belum lagi ditambah dengan dialog-dialog dalam film ini yang bisa membuat para orang dewasa terpingkal tetapi anak-anak bengong tak mengerti.

Fantastic Mr Fox menambah satu lagi deretan film berkualitas di genre stop-action (dan deretan film animasi berkualitas di tahun 2009). Sebuah film yang memiliki sinematografi menawan dan dishoot dari sudut-sudut yang unik, deretan pengisi suara yang kompak dan kompeten, sampai musik yang membuat penonton tanpa sadar turut bertepuk tangan mengikuti iramanya. Belum lagi deretan soundtrack yg benar benar klasik dan indah.
Believe me,you're gonna love this movie and cant stop smiling while watching.
I left the night with a huge grin on my face and felt like bouncing along the pavement as I made my way sleep.

fun quote :

Ash: [the boys are breaking into Mrs. Bean's kitchen; Ash addresses Kristofferson] You should probably put your bandit hat on now. Personally, I- I don't have one, but I modified this tube sock.
[they put on thier 'hats']
Kristofferson: We look good.
Ash: Yeah, we do.

Mrs.Fox : You know,..you really are...fantastic
Mr.Fox: I try.

I highly recommend this film to anyone.you'll love it.

Apr 8, 2010

Apr 7, 2010

Clash of the fillet and soda

Ah, the pre-summer action movie. Memang, karena dari mulut ke mulut dari orang-orang yang cukup menggemari film dan melihat trailernya, besar harapan saya untuk film Clash of the Titans . So, what's my verdict? Well, I didn't hate it…but.

Biasanya, ada beberapa aspek tertentu dari sebuah film yang Anda suka atau tidak suka. However, in this case, the task of reviewing this movie is difficult as from the very first scene to the last scene this movie is one unbearable, soul-less, and horrible disaster.Seorang nelayan datang dengan menangkap kosong, sehingga menyatakan perang terhadap Tuhan-nya.adegan yang terasa terlalu cepat dan yg menurut saya tidak masuk akal adalah ketika Parseus yang seorang nelaya,langsung dapat bermain pedang dengan lincahnya,with no practice.The effects were wonderfully done, especially Pegasus. I didn't like the horse being black though. I know now a days black is the new heroic white but growing up I always remember seeing the white horse swoop down to take his drink and that ruined it for me.

Dialogue / script yang mengerikan. Namun, meskipun itu, para pelaku melakukan dengan baik ada beberapa adegan yang benar-benar cringeworthy melibatkan Perseus, Dan juga sebelum masuk ke Medusa Liar, betapa bangganya ia berasal dari orang yang datang bersamanya dalam perjalanan ini. Tidak perlu mendengar itu, kadang-kadang tindakan berbicara lebih keras daripada kata-kata. Kraken punya waktu pendek tapi layar tidak kurang mengesankan. Dan secara keseluruhan, film ini gagal dalam format 3D. Kenapa mereka merilis 3D ini ya? Toh banyak tidak banyak adegan yg akan lebih baik jika dilihat dengan lensa khusus 3D itu

If anyone wants to make a film about a hybrid character, then look no further than Sam Worthington, who has been half man half machine in Terminator: Salvation, half man half Na'vi in Avatar, and now, half-man half-god who's tasked to save Andromeda of Argos from being monster sacrifice, should he be able to defeat Hades' Kraken, the source of his power and threat to mankind. Worthington seems pigeon-holed into these kinds of role, and because of Hollywood's current dearth of worthy action heroes, Worthington becomes the latest It boy with his physique and perpetual scowl, being suited perfectly well into this scarcity of actors who can act with their fists, without the compelling need to launch into lengthy dialogue as a professional and career development.
Overall, it's a fair popcorn flick which could have been more. It lacks the character of the old more popular version of the film which is a hindrance to this. Not a bad film, just nothing special despite the big cinematic treatment.

ps:I still dont get it why this movie topped the box office this time.

love uncle google :)

just back from diarrhea