Apr 7, 2010

Clash of the fillet and soda

Ah, the pre-summer action movie. Memang, karena dari mulut ke mulut dari orang-orang yang cukup menggemari film dan melihat trailernya, besar harapan saya untuk film Clash of the Titans . So, what's my verdict? Well, I didn't hate it…but.

Biasanya, ada beberapa aspek tertentu dari sebuah film yang Anda suka atau tidak suka. However, in this case, the task of reviewing this movie is difficult as from the very first scene to the last scene this movie is one unbearable, soul-less, and horrible disaster.Seorang nelayan datang dengan menangkap kosong, sehingga menyatakan perang terhadap Tuhan-nya.adegan yang terasa terlalu cepat dan yg menurut saya tidak masuk akal adalah ketika Parseus yang seorang nelaya,langsung dapat bermain pedang dengan lincahnya,with no practice.The effects were wonderfully done, especially Pegasus. I didn't like the horse being black though. I know now a days black is the new heroic white but growing up I always remember seeing the white horse swoop down to take his drink and that ruined it for me.

Dialogue / script yang mengerikan. Namun, meskipun itu, para pelaku melakukan dengan baik ada beberapa adegan yang benar-benar cringeworthy melibatkan Perseus, Dan juga sebelum masuk ke Medusa Liar, betapa bangganya ia berasal dari orang yang datang bersamanya dalam perjalanan ini. Tidak perlu mendengar itu, kadang-kadang tindakan berbicara lebih keras daripada kata-kata. Kraken punya waktu pendek tapi layar tidak kurang mengesankan. Dan secara keseluruhan, film ini gagal dalam format 3D. Kenapa mereka merilis 3D ini ya? Toh banyak tidak banyak adegan yg akan lebih baik jika dilihat dengan lensa khusus 3D itu

If anyone wants to make a film about a hybrid character, then look no further than Sam Worthington, who has been half man half machine in Terminator: Salvation, half man half Na'vi in Avatar, and now, half-man half-god who's tasked to save Andromeda of Argos from being monster sacrifice, should he be able to defeat Hades' Kraken, the source of his power and threat to mankind. Worthington seems pigeon-holed into these kinds of role, and because of Hollywood's current dearth of worthy action heroes, Worthington becomes the latest It boy with his physique and perpetual scowl, being suited perfectly well into this scarcity of actors who can act with their fists, without the compelling need to launch into lengthy dialogue as a professional and career development.
Overall, it's a fair popcorn flick which could have been more. It lacks the character of the old more popular version of the film which is a hindrance to this. Not a bad film, just nothing special despite the big cinematic treatment.

ps:I still dont get it why this movie topped the box office this time.