Mar 31, 2010

Separate with comma

who doesnt love Burton's movie?
its all really strong and unique
especially if he uses Mr.Depp in his movies ..
but we are not going to talk about Depp here
let's talk about his wife, Helena
Bonham Carter
Its good to have a director as your husband,isnt it? Lol.
they're totally great couple.

look,the giggles and playing plastic gun together on Alice's set hehe.cute!!

just say so

Mar 29, 2010

and let the wind blow

err...i dont really know what to tell you,,
but me and my lil'fam had a bit quality time last Sunday.
Took our niece to Seaworld *she,s so excited!! and enjoy the beach by walking on Le Bridge
I really enjoy the playful time.
Its good to have some time to relax and play.
so,no need to write a lot
Let me just share you the photos, enjoy it fellas :)

so tell me,
how's your weekend ? ;p

Mar 28, 2010

Mar 27, 2010

hai tots!!

Kids are cute. You know, generally speaking. They're even cuter when they're dress up in furry little animal helmets and teeny hipster pants, which is why we couldn't resist a compilation of superstar toddlers with more fashion swagger than Justin Bieber.Lol
Anyway,this is my niece. Called her,Oie..from Melody.I'm the one who gave that name to her, because her father *my 2nd brother,
wanted a name that contains elements of musicality. say hi to her :))

1stIHABA :((

Sekali lagi saya ditipu oleh si ekspektasi :(
A week before the event started, me and Ira was busy to looking for the information. Yess,,we're so curious about hot air baloon . So far we only see in the pictures alone, so we're very excited to attend this event at Sentul city.
we even have to prepare money to pay to ride this hot air balloon.because the intention to come early morning, I decided to spend the night at Ira's home. See, I have a good purpose and a strong intention.

So here we are,, arrived at Sentul City. Its really crowded!
Sentul's never crowded like this before. People and car's everywhere..After parked the car, we waiting for the shuttle bus.And its Bad Idea!!!because, we rather walk than took that bus,,its really slow-full-and wasted time :((( when we arrived at the location of the event, the balloons are ready to be lowered. yes, because of the weather and humidity, the balloon should be scaled back before 9 o'clock in the morning.Arrggh!!!its suck!!!!I do really resentful.
My intentions fail to have their pictures taken with the background of colorful balloons. My intention has failed to match the lomo with thee balloons

we decided to drove back to Bogor, and craving for Pak Awok.. but it closed :(
so we'd brunch at Agripark. Its funny none of us had ever visited this place, when Bogor is our home. There's a tree house!!

see,how sad they are.Lol

Mar 25, 2010

crazy heart

hahaha...laugh so hard when i made this photo..looked pathetic haha *dont mind :)

Mar 23, 2010

home-made pancake

I really love to share my family recipe to all of you :) lets start with pancake!!

250ml susu segar plain; 1,5 sdm cuka makan; 165gr. tepung terigu; 2 sdm gula pasir; 1 sdm baking powder; 1/4 sdm garam; 1 butir telur; 2 sdm mentega, dilelehkan.
Cara bikinnya :
  • Campur susu segar dengan cuka, aduk rata. Hasilnya susu akan mengental (kayak susu basi).
  • Campur tepung terigu, gula pasir, baking powder, dan garam.
  • Masukkan campuran susu ke dalam campuran tepung, aduk rata.
  • Masukkan telur dan mentega leleh, aduk rata.
  • Diamkan sekitar 15 menit.
  • Tuang adonan dengan menggunakan sendok sayur ke dalam wajan datar yang diletakkan di atas api kecil (wajannya dipanasin dulu ya), tutup beberapa saat, kalau sudah mulai muncul pori2, balik.
Note: karena ukuran telur yang tidak sama, jika adonan terlalu kental, tambahkan susu, tapi jika terlalu encer tambahkan terigu.

anyway,yesterday my friend.Darcon, asked the recipe and try to make it on his i gave it to him,and voila!

he made it!!!hahahaha bravo :)))

so,why dont you give it a try? *wink

Mar 20, 2010

lets high five :)

yeay..i made it!! after three month..hahaaha yea i know that a lot of people made it in 6 minutes or even 4 minutes *how can they did it anyway,,took my by surprised :O*

I finished it on friday,so you may see a comic book on my working table,,its,friday! so consider its free day :))
first i got it like this: almost done,but then I stucked :((

and voila!!! I'm done!!!so happy-happy-boom-boom-syalalaa...
called my friends to shared the happiness hahahaha...

believe me, if there's someone told to put them back from the beginning, i will not be able to.I just cant :)
at least I'm not curios anymore *wink wink

Mar 19, 2010

touchy statement

got this crazy touchy statement from my friend, Dani's facebook status. he got it from a book or..whatever..i don't really know. but its very movement and touchy,i think..

When I born, I black When I grow up, I black When I go in Sun, I black When I scared, I black When I sick, I black And when I die, I still black And you white fellow When you born, you pink When you grow up, you white When you go in sun, you red When you cold, you blue When you scared, you yellow When you sick, you green And when You die , you gray And you calling me


viva la vida

found this random quote on tumblr.its a bit small..can you read it? :)anyway, can i have this for my next birthday cake?mommy??anyone? I will be really really happy :) hahaaha

come out come out where ever you are :)

I see many people around me who are getting on their nerves. Talking about phase, it may be a difficult time for me and many of my fellas. I am not saying that we're all busy doing many things in a day,well at least some of us are, but somehow, I see some people are getting sick with what they must think and do nowadays. Indeed, human gets his/her own difficult things in life and it's getting stronger also harder each day, in common way we say it 'being mature issue'. Okay, it'll be easier for me to talk about my own feeling than to generalize it by using 'us' or 'me and my fellas'.

I have a close friend named Miska Lail., a friend who I consider to be close friends with just one meeting.
in some way I can feel loved like her own sister.We have been a closest friends since yeaah .. god only knows. so many things that we spent together. laugh together, cry together, laugh at other people, get drunk *well she is,I do the-protect-person haha,movie pep-talk,gossip, hate the same person, culinary tour, we even internship at the same place and stay in one room for 2 months. The narrow room and a greedy mother's boarding.I've known her as an attractive girl, loving, caring, and good. but she was also a girl who was brutally frank, ambitious, and a little moody.

anyway,the last two years we lived and the activities in two different cities. I worked in Jakarta and she continued her studies at Bandung. Fortunately, her hometown is Jakarta, so we were able to meet and chat ya call it once a month.but what is unfortunate is the final end she was very busy taking care of last session at the university. we lost contact. usually we can communicate via YM, twitter, facebook or even phone texting. Now its all gone :( she's gone. too busy,i think. when my friends ask me how miska doing,I just laughed and said, "miska are hibernating".lol.somehow I'm happy see she's happy. or at least see the smile on the fun with all the hectic.

Dear Miska,
I hope you get the job done at the end of your university course without any further resistance.
miss you quite terribly :)

the end of...

yes affirmative!!I felt ashamed of myself.
I should have kept his determination separately always updating my other blog.

the :

I've lived this blog for two months, and now I had to stop or even remove these blogs.I felt no longer able to continue to post things that I find interesting every day.I was too busy with work at the office and have other accounts to stay I feel a little overwhelmed.I reluctantly had to stop this , but I determined if there are things that I found interesting, I will post on this blog. The main blog. :)

Mar 18, 2010

random thoughts

this just occurred to my mind
I have many dreams. and have a great desire to achieve it as well
but then it occurred to me again
I had never done a thing

Mar 17, 2010

today's quote

and this one

mineral on coffee tumbler

a few days ago I bought this tumbler accidentally (long sory,,cih!) and forced in Plaza Indonesia entertainment X'nter (EX) ..its really expensive for a tumbler!! well,for me it is.. its $14 WOW!!! for a tumbler?? i can get a pair of shoe for that money..*sigh!
well,it is what it is..Look now,the tumbler was sitting pretty on my messy desk at the office

he seems so happy..let he stay for a while,shall we?lol

Mar 15, 2010

hell yeah, we do had fun!!

its monday!! no harsh right?we could say"have fun" in monday right?
so here we are,,going to the movie to watched Dr.Parnassus wif Utun (its a great movie! i'll review later), having pecel ayam for dinner, and going gaga to St.Yasmin. The circus had been waiting for us. its an Oriental Circus. Been so long since i watched circus..but so far, its classic..the show so much same as the last circus I went to. but,we enjoy and having fun,still. here some pics..

the ticket is between $2 - $10

papua's traditional dance

i Love the elephants..i want one :)

closing applause from them

look,we're having ear to ear smile :))

if you curious and want to see the circus too,,
you can come to Bogor, to St.Yasmin..its gonna be there until March 25th.
have fun!!

Mar 11, 2010


like a wise man said, do not ever get your hopes up on something, too much is never good!
such as this one, I have been waiting for this movie since last year. a very big promotion and a very good actor and actress are in it. They are my hunny bunny sweetu la la la ,Mr.Johnny Depp, and the wonderfully weird, Mrs.Helena Bonham Carter. the movie just,,good! I hope too much and finally did not like I expected. the plot too quickly and the story is not too strong. but i still love the set and the pictures. its sure Burton's work.

I dont really like how Alice's act.For a girl who can't remember anything, Alice is never surprised. She sees giant creatures, she shrinks, flies on a hat, all without a yelp. The first person to blame would be Burton, since Wasikowska lacks leading experience. Still I wonder what's going through her head when she decided to play Alice as oppressively jaded. Outside the last ten minutes, she's the antithesis of Dorothy. Having a protagonist who's so down trodden in a beautiful world is counterintuitive.

Mr.Depp, and i said this not because i'm in Love with him so much..but this man..You pay the him and he'll do his thing. I can't tell you that his character, The Mad Hatter, is an original. I'm sure it's a combination of other Depp figurines. With the Hatter he has carte blanche to do anything, anything at all, and somehow be considered in character. It doesn't matter that he's periodically possessed by a Scotsman—he's in character and he's Johnny Depp so it must be fantastic, right? More amusing are Helena Bonham Carter and Crispin Glover, the latter of whom you wouldn't recognize.I laugh so hard with my nephew remembering her "motto".. its "CUT HIS HEAD!!!" so funny!!

one thing we can get from this movie: never marry too soon ..follow your dream first!!hahaha