Mar 19, 2010

come out come out where ever you are :)

I see many people around me who are getting on their nerves. Talking about phase, it may be a difficult time for me and many of my fellas. I am not saying that we're all busy doing many things in a day,well at least some of us are, but somehow, I see some people are getting sick with what they must think and do nowadays. Indeed, human gets his/her own difficult things in life and it's getting stronger also harder each day, in common way we say it 'being mature issue'. Okay, it'll be easier for me to talk about my own feeling than to generalize it by using 'us' or 'me and my fellas'.

I have a close friend named Miska Lail., a friend who I consider to be close friends with just one meeting.
in some way I can feel loved like her own sister.We have been a closest friends since yeaah .. god only knows. so many things that we spent together. laugh together, cry together, laugh at other people, get drunk *well she is,I do the-protect-person haha,movie pep-talk,gossip, hate the same person, culinary tour, we even internship at the same place and stay in one room for 2 months. The narrow room and a greedy mother's boarding.I've known her as an attractive girl, loving, caring, and good. but she was also a girl who was brutally frank, ambitious, and a little moody.

anyway,the last two years we lived and the activities in two different cities. I worked in Jakarta and she continued her studies at Bandung. Fortunately, her hometown is Jakarta, so we were able to meet and chat ya call it once a month.but what is unfortunate is the final end she was very busy taking care of last session at the university. we lost contact. usually we can communicate via YM, twitter, facebook or even phone texting. Now its all gone :( she's gone. too busy,i think. when my friends ask me how miska doing,I just laughed and said, "miska are hibernating".lol.somehow I'm happy see she's happy. or at least see the smile on the fun with all the hectic.

Dear Miska,
I hope you get the job done at the end of your university course without any further resistance.
miss you quite terribly :)