Nov 15, 2009

excuse me? I prefer Jacob

emang salah ya kalo saya gak suka Robert Pattinson??
yaah emang sih dulu awal awal nonton Twilight, he seem so charming..blessing..heartbreaking..all-girls-screaming-boy..headline boy.. handsome.. blah..blah..blah..

I dont really know where its (the hate) started..
yang jelas..i know i think he's so..eewwh.,...
sok cool..sok ganteng sok rebel dengan messy hairnya itu..
and I think he also into his look..
and he really really realize that all girls in this world think he's "to good to be true"
Made me so happy when I know the fact that his six packs in New Moon are not real!
its been airbrushed!!

I' still gonna watch New Moon of course.
Since I've read the book,I always wondering what it look like on screen..
