hei hoowwww....I'm on :
me and my h2g's going to this place:
yippiy kayyyey...we're gonna have some fun!!!!
ps: I buzz you when i hit my home
Dec 29, 2009
Dec 28, 2009
berkutat dengan html
akhirnya jadi juga template baru nya
hahahah...izinkan saya berbangga diri karena telah memenangkan sebuah pertarungan sengit dengan si html..fiuw..
akhirnya blog saya berubah dari 2 kolom menjadi blog dengan 3 kolom,, yaah walaupun harus merelakan terhapus nya widget widget saya dari desain blog terdahulu..
its ok no problemo..
saya senang.
akhirnya jadi juga template baru nya
hahahah...izinkan saya berbangga diri karena telah memenangkan sebuah pertarungan sengit dengan si html..fiuw..
akhirnya blog saya berubah dari 2 kolom menjadi blog dengan 3 kolom,, yaah walaupun harus merelakan terhapus nya widget widget saya dari desain blog terdahulu..
its ok no problemo..
saya senang.
Dec 25, 2009
did you notice its not sunday?
my besties is in town (again) hurray...
so,coz my office's off for x-mas holiday, we decided to go to Kota Tua and watched Avatar.
here some pic..
so,coz my office's off for x-mas holiday, we decided to go to Kota Tua and watched Avatar.
here some pic..
Dec 23, 2009
suatu malam di wahid hasyim
last night,after office hour, i've met up wit my besties.
its so great to finally cuddling up each other again.tertawa dan saling hina bersama memang selalu menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan.membahas kebobroka malah pribadi.riwetnya masalah kerjaan di penghujung tahun.
bercerita betapa dillema nya kegiatan dan rencana tahun baru yang niatnya akan kami lakukan bersama sama.
dan tiba tiba si abay bercerita tentang usahanya minta kenaikan gaji ama atasannya.saya bisa gak ya?hahaha
its so great to finally cuddling up each other again.tertawa dan saling hina bersama memang selalu menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan.membahas kebobroka malah pribadi.riwetnya masalah kerjaan di penghujung tahun.
bercerita betapa dillema nya kegiatan dan rencana tahun baru yang niatnya akan kami lakukan bersama sama.
dan tiba tiba si abay bercerita tentang usahanya minta kenaikan gaji ama atasannya.saya bisa gak ya?hahaha
Dec 22, 2009
another Meryl Streep's
have you watched this one?
film ini bercerita tentang masakan dan pemasaknya.
saya selalu mengaggumi akting Meryl Streep.She has great comic timing, and always goes just far enough for the laugh, and usually not too far that it feels staged or unnatural. seperti dalam film ini, aktingnya begitu enak untuk dinikmati dan tidak membosankan,ya ga heran juga karena ia bukan anak baru di dunia perfilman.She is amazing and you will smile every time you see Julia on screen
anyway,film ini benar benar menggugah pikiran,yaah sebut saja inspiratif. film ini membuat saya ingin kembali berkutat dengan blog dan membuat saya berhasrat untuk bisa memasak. memasak digambarkan sebagai aktifitas yg sangat menyenangkan.benarkah seperti itu pada kehidupan nyata?
What really steals the show and appears great on cinema is both Julia and Julie's cooking expenditures. Make sure to eat before attending, I can't stress that enough because the food looks amazing.
at the point,there is a bit of a lag in the second half of the movie, but this is forgiven by the fact that the movie never becomes distracted from its purpose. excellent cast, fantastic story-telling, and wonderful direction. Julie & Julia will have you holding out your dish begging for more.
like Julia Child always yell..Bon Appetit!!
film ini bercerita tentang masakan dan pemasaknya.
saya selalu mengaggumi akting Meryl Streep.She has great comic timing, and always goes just far enough for the laugh, and usually not too far that it feels staged or unnatural. seperti dalam film ini, aktingnya begitu enak untuk dinikmati dan tidak membosankan,ya ga heran juga karena ia bukan anak baru di dunia perfilman.She is amazing and you will smile every time you see Julia on screen
anyway,film ini benar benar menggugah pikiran,yaah sebut saja inspiratif. film ini membuat saya ingin kembali berkutat dengan blog dan membuat saya berhasrat untuk bisa memasak. memasak digambarkan sebagai aktifitas yg sangat menyenangkan.benarkah seperti itu pada kehidupan nyata?
What really steals the show and appears great on cinema is both Julia and Julie's cooking expenditures. Make sure to eat before attending, I can't stress that enough because the food looks amazing.
at the point,there is a bit of a lag in the second half of the movie, but this is forgiven by the fact that the movie never becomes distracted from its purpose. excellent cast, fantastic story-telling, and wonderful direction. Julie & Julia will have you holding out your dish begging for more.
like Julia Child always yell..Bon Appetit!!
simple but work!
siapa yang tidak mengenal kuteks atau cat kuku atau nail polish.
saya memiliki sebuah kecintaan terhadap benda yg satu ini.saya suka mewarnai kuku saya dengan bermacam warna kuteks yg menarik, namun memang warna yang paling sering saya pakai adalah merah.
padahal jari jari dan kuku saya tidak terlalu bagus. jari jari saya tidak panjang apalagi lentik. kuku saya juga biasa saja.tak ada keistimewaan nya.namun ketika mengoleskan kuteks pada kuku kuku saya, mood saya akan sedikit menanjak dan saya pun akan bersemangat kembali.
sepele memang, bagaimana mungkin hanya dengan kuteks can boost up my moood. tapi itulah saya..dan mungkin sebagian orang.
hanya ingin menuangkan
jujur sebenarnya saya bingung dengan blog saya sendiri..yang katanya adalah wadah untuk menuliskan apa saja yang ingin saya tulis,namun terkadang malah saya sulit menuliskan apa yang sedang berkecamuk di pikiran saya.
mungkin itu yang disebut writer's block.
saat ini pun.
mungkin itu yang disebut writer's block.
saat ini pun.
whats in my brain now
akhir akhir ini..ya boleh dibilang sudah cukup lama saya tidak memposting apapun di blog ini.. bukan, bukan karena saya malas...saya sedang terlena dan termabukkan oleh salah satu social network, atau boleh dibilang mini blog..mungkin sebagian dari anak anamk muda jaman sekarang sudah mulai memilikinya.. its called tumblr.com hahaha.. its really made me addicted!!!so addicted!
anyway,if you have one, please follow me on my tumblr
anyway,if you have one, please follow me on my tumblr
Dec 1, 2009
boo-oo them of the stage!!
ok..maybe we gotta say "finally this movie!!"
what do you think, if people around the world ready to wait in front of the cinema just to buy the premiere ticket of a box office movie? Its must be a good movie,right?!
so if you're a big fans,,don't read my review!!!
cause i do really really think that Kirsten cant act.and Pattinson is a big loser..Its pure crap!!
WORST.ACTING. but not from everyone.just Kristen and Robert.there was no chemistry at all between them as some claim. half the time he wasn't even looking at her!he mumbles his lines and its just BAD. then Kristen cant show emotion to save her life. she does this rapid blinking thing i don't understand.if they were replaced it would make a huge difference. Taylor was pretty good for the most part. he over acted at times and it came off as fake to me. like something you would see in a soap opera. but the rest of the Cullen clan,the wolf pack,and her school mates were excellent. the cgi was good,had really good stunt work. some lines seemed out of place to me. the leading roles need to FEEL the words and not just say them nonchalantly. the ending was bad to. they cut too many scenes from the book that would make a big difference to. so overall I'm disappointed. why this is such a big franchise i have no idea. fans are too obsessed, boggles my mind.i was left dissatisfied, but of course the rabid fan base will approve.
I would like to know why did they change the director of the first twilight saga , i watched the first one many times and because of it i was waiting for the second one which was disappointed.... we don't care about the sides effects .. ..the music was too bad ,we need to see a love story ...full of emotions and exciting kisses..., and another thing ,who wants to see Edward wearing a red lipstick !!!!!! his lips were reddish than Bella's !!!!!!!? where is Edward the one that we all loved in the first movie ???? what the hell with his body too?? his face look really pale,but his body looked normal.and airbrushed sixpack? go to the gym please..do something,fight for your role!!!
so Please people at summit we do not want to see more lipsticks in the Eclipse movie or any bad hair cut ! please try to make the third movie a good one .
well at least after the cinema,we enjoy margarita pizza at Kedai Kita's..(recommended)
ps: there's no edward pictures above..yea.I dont really like him..hahahah
what do you think, if people around the world ready to wait in front of the cinema just to buy the premiere ticket of a box office movie? Its must be a good movie,right?!
so if you're a big fans,,don't read my review!!!
cause i do really really think that Kirsten cant act.and Pattinson is a big loser..Its pure crap!!
WORST.ACTING. but not from everyone.just Kristen and Robert.there was no chemistry at all between them as some claim. half the time he wasn't even looking at her!he mumbles his lines and its just BAD. then Kristen cant show emotion to save her life. she does this rapid blinking thing i don't understand.if they were replaced it would make a huge difference. Taylor was pretty good for the most part. he over acted at times and it came off as fake to me. like something you would see in a soap opera. but the rest of the Cullen clan,the wolf pack,and her school mates were excellent. the cgi was good,had really good stunt work. some lines seemed out of place to me. the leading roles need to FEEL the words and not just say them nonchalantly. the ending was bad to. they cut too many scenes from the book that would make a big difference to. so overall I'm disappointed. why this is such a big franchise i have no idea. fans are too obsessed, boggles my mind.i was left dissatisfied, but of course the rabid fan base will approve.
I would like to know why did they change the director of the first twilight saga , i watched the first one many times and because of it i was waiting for the second one which was disappointed.... we don't care about the sides effects .. ..the music was too bad ,we need to see a love story ...full of emotions and exciting kisses..., and another thing ,who wants to see Edward wearing a red lipstick !!!!!! his lips were reddish than Bella's !!!!!!!? where is Edward the one that we all loved in the first movie ???? what the hell with his body too?? his face look really pale,but his body looked normal.and airbrushed sixpack? go to the gym please..do something,fight for your role!!!
so Please people at summit we do not want to see more lipsticks in the Eclipse movie or any bad hair cut ! please try to make the third movie a good one .
well at least after the cinema,we enjoy margarita pizza at Kedai Kita's..(recommended)
ps: there's no edward pictures above..yea.I dont really like him..hahahah
Nov 27, 2009
today's outfit
many friends told me that they were jealous to the fact that my office allow the employee to wear anything they like..as long its proper and polite of course!!
like this one..
like this one..
Nov 21, 2009
isnt it ironic?
sudah denger kasus nenek Minah??
kasus yang membuat saya bergidik dan bertanya tanya, ada apa dengan aparat negeri ini?? saya jadi teringat semboyan yang dicanangkan para demonstran untuk pihak kepolisian..
kasus yang membuat saya bergidik dan bertanya tanya, ada apa dengan aparat negeri ini?? saya jadi teringat semboyan yang dicanangkan para demonstran untuk pihak kepolisian..
"jangan dikira dengan seragammu bisa berbuat apa saja"
jadi awal kasusnya begini:
Minah pun diceramahi bahwa tindakan itu tidak boleh dilakukan karena sama saja mencuri. Sadar perbuatannya salah, Minah meminta maaf pada sang mandor dan berjanji tidak akan melakukannya lagi. 3 Buah kakao yang dipetiknya pun dia serahkan kepada mandor tersebut. Minah berpikir semua beres dan dia kembali bekerja. Namun dugaanya meleset. Peristiwa kecil itu ternyata berbuntut panjang. Sebab seminggu kemudian dia mendapat panggilan pemeriksaan dari polisi. Proses hukum terus berlanjut sampai akhirnya dia harus duduk sebagai seorang terdakwa kasus pencuri di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Purwokerto. Dan hari ini, Kamis (19/11/2009), majelis hakim yang dipimpin Muslih Bambang Luqmono SH memvonisnya 1 bulan 15 hari dengan masa percobaan selama 3 bulan.
Minah dinilai terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melanggar pasal 362 KUHP tentang pencurian. Selama persidangan yang dimulai pukul 10.00 WIB, Nenek Minah terlihat tegar. Sejumlah kerabat, tetangga, serta aktivis LSM juga menghadiri sidang itu untuk memberikan dukungan moril. Hakim Menangis Pantauan detikcom, suasana persidangan Minah berlangsung penuh keharuan. Selain menghadirkan seorang nenek yang miskin sebagai terdakwa, majelis hakim juga terlihat agak ragu menjatuhkan hukum.
Bahkan ketua majelis hakim, Muslih Bambang Luqmono SH, terlihat menangis saat membacakan vonis. "Kasus ini kecil, namun sudah melukai banyak orang," ujar Muslih. Vonis hakim 1 bulan 15 hari dengan masa percobaan selama 3 bulan disambut gembira keluarga, tetangga dan para aktivis LSM yang mengikuti sidang tersebut. Mereka segera menyalami Minah karena wanita tua itu tidak harus merasakan dinginnya sel tahanan.
jadi awal kasusnya begini:
Nenek Minah (55) tak pernah menyangka perbuatan isengnya memetik 3 buah kakao di perkebunan milik PT Rumpun Sari Antan (RSA) akan menjadikannya sebagai pesakitan di ruang pengadilan. Bahkan untuk perbuatannya itu dia diganjar 1 bulan 15 hari penjara dengan masa percobaan 3 bulan. Ironi hukum di Indonesia ini berawal saat Minah sedang memanen kedelai di lahan garapannya di Dusun Sidoarjo, Desa Darmakradenan, Kecamatan Ajibarang, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, pada 2 Agustus lalu. Lahan garapan Minah ini juga dikelola oleh PT RSA untuk menanam kakao. Ketika sedang asik memanen kedelai, mata tua Minah tertuju pada 3 buah kakao yang sudah ranum. Dari sekadar memandang, Minah kemudian memetiknya untuk disemai sebagai bibit di tanah garapannya. Setelah dipetik, 3 buah kakao itu tidak disembunyikan melainkan digeletakkan begitu saja di bawah pohon kakao. Dan tak lama berselang, lewat seorang mandor perkebunan kakao PT RSA. Mandor itu pun bertanya, siapa yang memetik buah kakao itu. Dengan polos, Minah mengaku hal itu perbuatannya
nenek minahMinah dinilai terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melanggar pasal 362 KUHP tentang pencurian. Selama persidangan yang dimulai pukul 10.00 WIB, Nenek Minah terlihat tegar. Sejumlah kerabat, tetangga, serta aktivis LSM juga menghadiri sidang itu untuk memberikan dukungan moril. Hakim Menangis Pantauan detikcom, suasana persidangan Minah berlangsung penuh keharuan. Selain menghadirkan seorang nenek yang miskin sebagai terdakwa, majelis hakim juga terlihat agak ragu menjatuhkan hukum.
Bahkan ketua majelis hakim, Muslih Bambang Luqmono SH, terlihat menangis saat membacakan vonis. "Kasus ini kecil, namun sudah melukai banyak orang," ujar Muslih. Vonis hakim 1 bulan 15 hari dengan masa percobaan selama 3 bulan disambut gembira keluarga, tetangga dan para aktivis LSM yang mengikuti sidang tersebut. Mereka segera menyalami Minah karena wanita tua itu tidak harus merasakan dinginnya sel tahanan.
mengapa saya katakan "ironic"
tentu masyarakat gak lupa sama kasus anggodo ..
aduh maaf..saya g bakal bahas kasus pria ini panjang lebar..kamu pasti taulah garis besarnya..
sebenarnya ada apa dengan kepolisian??
pada akhirnya pihak aparat terbukti menerima suap dan dapat dibayar..bagaimana dengan sumpah jabatan mereka ya?
menyedihkan memang melihat keadaan indonesia saat ini..
apa kata dunia..
tentu masyarakat gak lupa sama kasus anggodo ..
aduh maaf..saya g bakal bahas kasus pria ini panjang lebar..kamu pasti taulah garis besarnya..
sebenarnya ada apa dengan kepolisian??
pada akhirnya pihak aparat terbukti menerima suap dan dapat dibayar..bagaimana dengan sumpah jabatan mereka ya?
menyedihkan memang melihat keadaan indonesia saat ini..
apa kata dunia..
Nov 20, 2009
Fall in love with this one
Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't
aw aw aw..I've been waiting for this movie like..a century!! Well played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel..This was an excellent romantic comedy, although many might not agree that it is either romantic or a comedy. I found myself laughing out loud at many of the scenes.
The couple in (500) Days of Summer have true chemistry. There are some beautiful, subtle moments of tenderness as well some heart-rending moments of disconnectedness between the two that never comes across as heavy-handed. The movie constantly reminds you that these are two different people with different ideas of a relationship, yet they stubbornly continue their dating, and they remain lovable all the same.
I think it's Love. How could you not love this movie, this a story about a guy named Tom who wants to be an architect but ends up working a meaningless job at a greeting card company creating romantical propaganda on paper. Luckily for him the most perfect girl in the world, Summer, just started working at his office and wouldn't you know it, she loves The Smiths, too. It's a match made in Ikea Heaven, but wait there is a twist here! This goddess of all things shabby chic doesn't believe in love, furthermore she doesn't want to be held down by a relationship. Oh No! Poor Tom. Those ocean blue eyes, that voice, that smile, those eyes.... oh those eyes, how could Tom not fall deeply in love with Summer. So begins the season of love, the 500 Days of Summer. In 500 amazing days Tom will learn about relationships, reconciliations (a good Ex never dies), Love, Lose and most importantly about moving forward.
Let's face it. We've all done our share of "dumping". Whether it's the, "Lets just be friends," or the all too familiar, "It's not you, it's me," tactic, as long as you're not on the receiving end it becomes a question of, "How quickly can I get this over with, so I can move on with my life?" Equally, all of us (yes even Brad Pitt) have experienced what it feels like to "be" dumped and the complex emotions that unexpectedly follow. If you're one of the fortunate souls that have managed to escape the throws of relationship hell, you'll probably fare better with renting the newest addition to the Rambo series. For the rest of you who've at one time or another gotten your hearts ripped out of your chests and stomped into a million pieces only to turn you into unshaven, alcoholic hermits on the brink of starvation…this movie is dedicated to you.
What I really like about the film is that it is different, yet very realistic. So often our "dream" girl is just not quite a fit in this world, yet she and the next guy are just right. Doesn't seem fair, but in reality, it is not only fair, but perfectly just. And remember, there is always another season ... maybe Autumn?
A film that scores high in all the boxes and one I will certainly see again.and again.and again.
oh the soundtrack was so awesome too!!! go to Imdb.com to find out the list of the soundtrack..and go download it!! enjoy!! you'll so gonna love it..like I do.
promise is promise.part 1
Lets review this one first..
okay..this movie tell us about a n epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivor.
saya rasa anda pasti tau lah mengenai film ini..film yang hebohnya sejak berbulan bulan sebelum penayangan perdananya..film yang menghabiskan dana sekitar ratusan juta dollar..memang menduduki peringkat teratas box office 2 minggu ini.
If you've seen Independence Day, Titanic, or any recent vintage of the well-worn disaster film genre, you will not be disappointed at all with any of 2012. Its 2.5 hour+ running time moves at a great clip, and there's enough science and pseudoscience running around to give the film a certain of-the-moment wonder and clarity.
The many destruction sequences throughout the film are absolutely breathtaking to behold, and one wonders if Roland Emmerich starts every film imagining how he will destroy the White House. Like all of his other films (except for The Patriot) it has big names but no huge names and really is a blast to watch. It has just the right balance of action and melodrama, often, as with all good films of this genre, in the same scene.
They had all the money, actors and special effects they needed so how did they manage to screw this one up?
Obviously they thought exiting moments were more important than developing deeper characters and that's why this story that had great potential stayed so shallow. The dialog was always cheesy and none of the 'hero's' in this film really showed any real emotions nor did they give any of those speeches that give the audience goose bumps. Another thing that really bothered me was that so much was almost going wrong the whole time.
Every second of the film had a 'close call' which made the film seem totally unrealistic. Examples are planes taking off just before the runway collapses or driving just fast enough to not get hit by an explosion. This can be very cool if it doesn't happen 100% of the time and I have never seen a movie abusing this way of creating excitement to this extent.
So to sum up: If you feel like turning your brain off and watching special effects and big explosions with a very shallow storyline then this movie is for you. But if you feel like watching a movie with a bit of depth then go and see something else.
Nov 19, 2009
movie of the week
Nov 15, 2009
excuse me? I prefer Jacob
emang salah ya kalo saya gak suka Robert Pattinson??
yaah emang sih dulu awal awal nonton Twilight, he seem so charming..blessing..heartbreaking..all-girls-screaming-boy..headline boy.. handsome.. blah..blah..blah..
I dont really know where its (the hate) started..
yang jelas..i know i think he's so..eewwh.,...
sok cool..sok ganteng sok rebel dengan messy hairnya itu..
and I think he also into his look..
and he really really realize that all girls in this world think he's "to good to be true"
Made me so happy when I know the fact that his six packs in New Moon are not real!
its been airbrushed!!
I' still gonna watch New Moon of course.
Since I've read the book,I always wondering what it look like on screen..
yaah emang sih dulu awal awal nonton Twilight, he seem so charming..blessing..heartbreaking..all-girls-screaming-boy..headline boy.. handsome.. blah..blah..blah..
I dont really know where its (the hate) started..
yang jelas..i know i think he's so..eewwh.,...
sok cool..sok ganteng sok rebel dengan messy hairnya itu..
and I think he also into his look..
and he really really realize that all girls in this world think he's "to good to be true"
Made me so happy when I know the fact that his six packs in New Moon are not real!
its been airbrushed!!
I' still gonna watch New Moon of course.
Since I've read the book,I always wondering what it look like on screen..
Nov 11, 2009
my bff is in town!!!
Yep..she came.again! hahaha
memang menyenangkan rasanya bisa kembali berjumpa dengan sahabat saya yang satu ini. yaaah..walaupun harus mencuri curi waktu untuk bertemu setelah office hours. kinda miss her. Sebenarnya dia smart..tapi mungkin memang agak lelet hahaha istilah menyebutnya denga sebutan "snot" yang artinya lemot.
anyway, bertemu dengan-sebut saja namanya- sumil berarti bertemu dengan masalah percintaan.memang,sebelum ia menginjakkan kakinya di kota depok negri sembilan matahari ini, kami sering bertukar cerita lewat telepon, do you remember I once told you about a friend who had a crush to her high school friend? Yes,its her!!
Its so funny,hehe..lucu aja gitu ketika ngeliat dia tertwa twa geli sendiri,,bersemu semu sendiri trus malu malu ga jelas.Cerita tentang pemuda itu selalu membuat dia bersikap salah tingkah sampai bertingkah yang diluar batas kewajaran.hihihi
Untuk sekedar mengingatkan, wanita ini had a crush ke high school friendnya.. yang ternyata sampai sekarang pun masih berbekas. saya pikir perasaan itu masih ada sampai sekarang mungkin karena perasaan itu tak terwujud.Bukan,maksud saya disini bukan terwujud dalam artian harus jadian.Yaaa mungkin harus diungkapkan..
Banyaklah yang berkomentar "ah kan kita cewe" atau "ah ga mungkinlah,masa cewe yg ngungkapin" ...
but,hellowww...kita juga harus realistis lah..liat perkembangan jaman juga..kalo emang ga mau di ungkapin hanya gara gara masalah "kita kan cewe" , yaa kamu hanya bisa menikmati duniamu aja..selamat bersenang senang dengan khayalan dan memori mu bersama pemuda itu..Kalo pun pada akhirnya saya menyarankan untuk mengungkapkan tanpa berharap or say it nothing to lose..mungkin terdengar bullshit banget. tapi yaa,kembali ke kata kata realistis.setidaknya kamu gak penasaran lagi.
thats the bright side!
Ok,ngomong emang mudah,pada realisasinya pasti g semudah ketika ngomong.Tapi satu hal yang harus kamu bayangkan adalah ketika kamu duduk di kursi sendirian,di umur yaaa tarohlah 45 tahun, lalu tiba2 bayangan mu kembali ka masa itu dimana kamu punya kesempatan dan waktu untuk mengungkapkan..mungkin kisah hidup mu akan sedikit berbeda. Kalo pun sudah kamu ungkapkan dan hasilnya g seperti yang kamu harapkan,, berpikirlah "ya setidaknya saya mencoba"
sangat banyak contoh orang orang yg cukup menyeseal karena tindakan nya menunda nunda atau bahkan memutuskan untuk tidak mengungkapkan perasaannya. kamu ga mau kan jadi salah satu dari mereka??
so try it!! kesempatan g dateng 2 kali..
toh kalo pun kamu ungkapin ga ada ruginya juga kan?
believe me,bitter or sweet?its worth to your love life.
doaku bersamamu deh..
Nov 10, 2009
did you know?
23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused
by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.
90 percent of women who walk into
a department store immediately turn to the right.
Children laugh about 400 times a day,
while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.
Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose weight!
by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.
*err..sorry,I am one of the 23%..hihi
90 percent of women who walk into
a department store immediately turn to the right.
*so true!! don't believe it? proof it to your self..
Children laugh about 400 times a day,
while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.
*oh ok... that's why adult has more wrinkles
Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose weight!
*hahaha....this is the power of positive thinking..
lets call this post is Re-post..yes..I've found a new site.The site's so nice to browse and wort to click..try jakandjil.com and find a lot of fashion candid pic.
anyway,why i call it re-post..cause I've been wondering about Lane Crawford exhibition for a week!! without knowing where to found the picture about her exhibit ..and finnaly i found the pics at jakandjil and here they are :
nice!!wish i was there..
anyway,why i call it re-post..cause I've been wondering about Lane Crawford exhibition for a week!! without knowing where to found the picture about her exhibit ..and finnaly i found the pics at jakandjil and here they are :
nice!!wish i was there..
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