Dec 22, 2009

another Meryl Streep's

have you watched this one?

film ini bercerita tentang masakan dan pemasaknya.
saya selalu mengaggumi akting Meryl Streep.She has great comic timing, and always goes just far enough for the laugh, and usually not too far that it feels staged or unnatural. seperti dalam film ini, aktingnya begitu enak untuk dinikmati dan tidak membosankan,ya ga heran juga karena ia bukan anak baru di dunia perfilman.She is amazing and you will smile every time you see Julia on screen

anyway,film ini benar benar menggugah pikiran,yaah sebut saja inspiratif. film ini membuat saya ingin kembali berkutat dengan blog dan membuat saya berhasrat untuk bisa memasak. memasak digambarkan sebagai aktifitas yg sangat menyenangkan.benarkah seperti itu pada kehidupan nyata?
What really steals the show and appears great on cinema is both Julia and Julie's cooking expenditures. Make sure to eat before attending, I can't stress that enough because the food looks amazing.

at the point,there is a bit of a lag in the second half of the movie, but this is forgiven by the fact that the movie never becomes distracted from its purpose. excellent cast, fantastic story-telling, and wonderful direction. Julie & Julia will have you holding out your dish begging for more.

like Julia Child always yell..Bon Appetit!!