Jun 28, 2010

a spoon of sugar

I support my friend in my own way.
I don't expect you to understand it.
But please never question my values on friendship.
You have no idea.

Jun 25, 2010

To Sir..With Love

Dear Dad..
How is it going on?we miss you..did you know that?

Do you know that today is 25th of June..2010..its been 8 years after you left us back to God,without any further information.You're not even sick.In fact you're really great and in a very good condition.Ah,I remember back to that day,a day before your 49th birthday.You're out of town for some work while me,mom and my sissy thinking about what to cook for your birthday.We plan to go the market to buy the ingredient of your favorite food.Macaroni Schotel.I don't know what happen,but at that time we're really not feeling good to go to the market and we cancel it.At 11.30 wib, you're office mate come to our house and told us that you're gone.Passed away. Heart attack,they might say..But we're really sure its because your asthma.Mom's and my sissy keep crying..I lean my self to the wall and fell blank for a while.And then I reach the phone and called our entire family.that's it.That was the worst day of my life!

ah Dad,
We miss you so bad.Dad, you know that I passed the high school test and get in to the SMU 8? You always love that school..you think that was the best high school in Riau.Yeah,you're right..And did you know that I do get the Padjadjaran University and graduate from faculty of communication as I wish..Do you remember that we'd talk about this university since I was in junior high?and again you're right.I do get a lot of experience in that campus.And I love it.That lil' town made me grown up and more mature.Though I have to left mom alone in west sumatra,it worth every rupiah :) I want to grumble about something,dad.Its been always a hard day after you're gone.Its not just about financial issue,but also family issue,not ours, but the big family issue.You're always have to be mediators and mentor for every major family problems,well actually in every major problem of moms big family.Whereas you're just in law, but they don't have someone who can handle everything and be the leader.And it was you.Now,you're gone,they cant find the replacement as good as you.I cant stand the way they badmouthing and influence mom.That's your mistake dad.You're always spoiled mom too much. Its made her unstable,easily influenced and easy to panic.But don't worry dad,we always ready to hold her tight and defend her.
A few days ago,there are "tentang ayah " with hashtag in twitter..*yes dad,we're crazy about social network these day,there are friendster,facebook and twitter,you'll love it*, so I write that I think you love me more than mom loves me..we'll always be your little girl and now you're our guardian angel.This are a few thing about you dad,let me share..

Papa selalu tahu bagaimana mengatasi semua masalah-I always think that you have your own Problem Dictionary-.Papa selalu bilang "ask your mom" ketika tidak ingin mengatakan "tidak".Papa adalah orang paling disiplin didunia!!even my boss cant be as you did.When we sad, you ask we out for some fresh air.You're the one who teach me how to swim and win the swimming competition at elementary school.Papa slalu tau tempat makan yang enak - It really cool when you always know how to appreciate foods-. Papa selalu wangi - padahal sama sama mandi 2 kali sehari-. Papa punya banyak banget koleksi vinyl records dan kaset lawak nya Warkop DKI,jayakarta Grup dan Gepeng - bangga rasanya bisa kenal mereka melalui koleksi papa-.Papa slalu punya waktu untuk duduk di bangku paling depan waktu pembagian raport.Papa hobi banget baca novel,terutama Sidney Sheldon.Papa yang ngajarin tentang barang bermerek dan kualitas nya - biar mahal asal tahan lama-.Papa hobi banget melihara burung murai batu - dan diem sepanjang hari waktu beo kesayangannya mati-.Papa suka banget ama laut dan suara ombak.Papa gak pernah mengabulkan permintaan kita - kita harus jelasin dulu keperluan dan esensi keinginan itu,dan adu argumentasi dulu,ini bikin kita g manja-. I looovvvee to sleep on your big stomach and smooch your cheek,kerasa bekas cukuran dan wangi aftershave-.Papa punya camera classic SLR canon yang slalu dibanggain. Papa g pernah bawa kerjaan pulang kerumah - I try to do the same thing-.You're the most humorist person I ever met.Kalau pulang malem,papa pasti masuk kamar kita dan mastiin kita udah tidur.Kalau dinas keluar kota,papa g pernah absen beliin oleh - oleh buat keponakannya - kadang kita suka iri hehe-.Papa suka banget ama jengkol muda direbus dan macaroni schotel.Papa punya suara menggelegar dan kumis yg bikin semua pegawai nya segan.Papa suka banget nonton film - nurun banget ke anak anak nya -. Okay enough!!! I cant handle my tears any more..padahal masih banyak yg ingin ditulis..but enough, I don't wanna cry.. :,)

Anyway dad, I don't know what I ever did, but seems like she -you know who- hate me so much,,she keep badmouthing me and ruin my reputation.I do careless but I don't wanna make mom looks bad too.So I decide to keep silent and smile along the way, I have a supportive brother and sister and strongest mom.People say that we're so pathetic since you left,In fact we're fine dad..You don't have to worry.We will always have the financial issue, but its getting better..so don't worry.. :) Mom's getting old,we don't want her to do a lot of activities, but she insist to work because she said she'll sick when doing nothing.Lol.

Hei, do you remember your favorite sunglasses? Your favorite Ray-Ban classic..I take that as your legacy and I promise to save and love it as you do.Look,it still like the last time you wear it >_<

Dad's latest picture and his little legacy

To sum up..don't worry about us Dad,we can handle it :)
Tomorrow is your birthday, I'm so happy to have a daddy like you,God bless your born day :)
we all so proud to have you :,)

Bye dad..I'll write to you again next year..

Jun 19, 2010

total eclipse

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never
coming round
Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to
the sound of my tears
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best
of all the years have gone by
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see
the look in your eyes

Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

Jun 16, 2010

look UP!

below you can see a random cloud's photos
capture with my prosumer camera
at Pulau Pramuka trip (klik for the story)

I always feel something for the clouds
I love to see it shape and color
the way its changing everytime
kinda amazing to me
God bless us

Jun 15, 2010


twenty something

I'm turning 23 today
I'm getting old
but I'm happy to be me
Happy birthday me :)

this year I haven't got much text messages as last year
this year I haven't got much phone call as last year
its been replacing by
facebook and twitter
I always happy to read what people congrats to me on my b'day
made me feel appreciate

thank you

and I've got this from my bestie's blog
check it out

Jun 13, 2010

fresh milk and rainbow

we,..err..me actually..really want to try fresh milk from this named place
this place has a famous fresh milk and yogurt
so after the wedding,we drove all the way to get there.
Traffic jam of course,its sunday.
but it doesnt matter..
cause we love Cimori :)

Ice cream crepes..yummy yumm

and as we get there,,we're welcome by the gorgeous rainbow.Pretty!!

our "little" girl getting married

Alfath Taudillah and Ariana Kahfie

congratulations, Kahfie darliiinggg :)
smoga langgeng ampe akhir hayat kayak Pak Habibie dan Bu Ainun..kayak Pak Harto dan Bu Tien..Amien!!
masih g percaya ketika ngeliat ni bocah duduk manis di pelaminan hihihi..Dia melangkahi kami semua :)
True Love does exist ..
Again,I pray the best for you honey,,semoga cepet "isi" dan punya anak seperti impian lo..
Laff laff :*

Jun 6, 2010

oh and..

I hate R-Patz and Kirsten whatever!!

Jun 1, 2010

allow me to say : YESS!!!

Its gonna be a long post,prepare :)

since we had a long weekend at the end of May, so me and my super junior high school friends went gaga to Pulau Seribu or lets call it Thousand Island :) Sebenernya sih ngerencanainnya udah dari 2 bulan yang lalu..Yaah,you know lah..kalo ngumpulin banyak orang kan harus jauh jauh hari dan jelas rincian biayanya,biar ga terjadi yg namanya wacana *wink.jadi emang kita rencananya brangkat tanggal 28 mei teng!!Long weekend..Tapi yaaah,,ga seru kalo g ada masalah yg muncul kan??yup..peserta berguguran satu persatu..ada yg udah semangat bener,eh taunya mundur..ada yg gara gara dikit yg ikut eh ikutan batal,,ada yg udah pesen tiket k jakarta eh g bolh pergi ama bosnya karna laporannya direvisi,,ada yg terpaksa mundur karena hrs interview kerjaan..Yah,ga bisa maksa juga sih.Thats why, setelah sekian banyak promo,,meeting,,observasi biaya,,cek penginapan,,dan ratusan reply di PM facebook,terkumpullah 8 orang gila yg siap menyatukan diri dan menyamakan tujuan. Dinchoo,Lia,Afta,Adit,Nurblay,Enyeng,Cudik,dan Ompong siap meneriakkan!! Pulau Seribu,Kami DATANG!!!!

Day 1 :
Informasi yg saya terima dari salah satu teman adalah bakal banyak orang yg memilih pulau seribu sebagai tujuan liburan di long weekend ini.Dan karena kami memilih untuk berlayar dengan kapal dari marina,Ancol, maka jam 4 subuh saya sudah bangun dan bersiap untuk menjemput sebagian awak dan langsung meluncur ke Dermaga 21. Pukul Setengah enam teng, saya dan tim gendeng sudah stand by diantara para manusia yang antri didepan loket karcis.Konon katanya ada yg antri dari jam 3 pagi.*wow sekali bukan? dengan mata yg masih agak agak ngantuk dan bawaan bejubel kami siaga dan bersenda gurau membicarakan si tikus dan sepedanya *you're not gonna get it :) Tiba tiba ada rumor bahwa tiket telah habis,padahal dgn peraturan satu orang satu tiket,kami seharusnya dapat.Setelah dianalisis,ternyata ada seorang calo yg membeli 56 tiket dengan menyelipkan lembaran rupiah kpd petugas karcis..haahh!!Indonesia!!!Kecewa dan bingung.Pada akhirnya ada sekelompok orang yg menawarkan untuk bergabung dengan mereka menyewa kapal.Semakin banyak orang semakin murah.Dan kapal tsb brangkat pukul 1,masih 5 jam lagi..fiuh!! mambunuh waktu dengan main kartu dan bersenda gurau ternyata cukup ampuh..Setelah perjuangan membunuh waktu dan mngusir panas,Tepat pukul 1 kami berlayar ke Pulau Pramuka!!!

Perjalanan hampir 2 jam stengah akhirnya kami menginjakkan kaki di P.pramuka ditemani guyuran hujan.haha...Cottage nya (100rb/2malam) lumayan enak, ada 2 kamar,ac,tv,dapur komplit dan kamar mandi,disertai pemandangan laut lepas dihalaman belakang..we have our own beach!! NICE!!!Agenda hari ini adalah istirahat mandi dan leha leha di pantai belakang.Kejutan datang dari si Pak Roy,orang yg mengatur penginapan ini, ia mengundang kami untuk makan ikan bakar Bandeng laut di kantornya,,Sedaaaappp dan gratis hahaha..Anyway,lampu mati.jadi kita tidur berpanas panasan diruang tengah.I told you without no doubt,,PANAS BANGET!!!you can truly see the sand with naked eyes..sangking jernihnyaaa

Day 2 :

we're gonna have fun today!!!sesuai rencana hari ini kita snorkling (alat 40rb)!!walaupun rada ngaret dari jam yg ditentukan,akhirnya kita berlayar juga menuju pulau semak daun pake kapal sewaan (350.000/kapal) dan guide nya si mas Said yg perutnya sixpack :) Jadi,critanya di Semak Daun kita latihan gunain alat snorklingnya gitu,,latian napas yg paling penting..Thats why we need a guide!Abis itu mulailah kita berlayar ke tangah laut,,nyari spot spot oke buat dinikmati.It was incredible!!Saya dan tim gendeng ini ga brenti brenti muji muji kebesaran Tuhan.I'm not being a drama queen here,you should try it..Sayang banget kita ga ada yg bawa underwater camera *sigh.Kita juga sempet mampir ke P.Keramba,tempat penangkaran hiu,pari dan ikan ikan laut lainnya..Pulau ini g kalah keren!!Dan kulit kita yg gosong terbakar juga g kalah keren!!Balik k pulau pramuka yg masih mati lampu dengan senyum mengembang dan badan capek gosong kebakar matahari.Dekil tapi bahagia :)

Day 3:
Its time to go home :( we don't wanna go home.We love this island.bangun pagi dengan lampu yang masih mati haha,leyeh leyeh dan males banget buat packing..Trus akhirnya kita mutusin buat mampir dulu k P.Karya naik ojek kapal yang ada (3000/orang).Pulau Karya ini ga kalah cantik!!!Airnyabikin berdecak kagum banget deh pokoknya..Biru sebiru biru nyaaa....
Yaah,Tim Gendeng ini beneran harus pulang kembali k Jakarta,kota polusi itu..Pak Roy yang sangat bertanggung jawab atas kberadaan kita disana bener bener ngurusin kita ampe kita ninggalin pulau..Tiket pulang k Muara Angke 30rb/orang. Huff..Bye bye pak Roy,.bye bye pulau seribu..we'll be back!!!

note: Saya suka liburan kali ini.Saya benar benar menikmatinya..Tim Gendeng ini benar benar membuat saya jatuh cinta.Tiada hari tanpa tawa.Walau penuh perjuangan disaat keberangkatan tapi tidak ada yg mengeluh,Satu derita ya yang lain juga derita..Penuh canda penuh tawa.Ketika sampai dirumah dan mengecek foto foto di camera digital saya,saya langsung kembali teringat mereka dan berhasil membuat saya senyum senyum sendiri. Huaah.. Lia,Afta,Adit,Nurman,Enyeng,Rizky,Ompong..Kangen iiiih :)) *pelukpeluk