Sep 30, 2009

Sebuah Artikel yang Membuat Berpikir

sore ini ada sebuah artikel yang saya baca di sebuah situs - klik disini jika penasaran- tentang seorang writer yang suka berlari..
jadi ingat,,sebenrnya gw suka berlari..karena murah dan nge-gerakin ampir semua otot..dulu waktu jaman kuliah, gw juga suka jogging minggu pagi bareng temen temen yg sama sama bertekad ingin kurus,dan ingin sehat tentunya. tapi tak berlangsung lama. kadang gw nonton film film luar yang ada adegan joggingnya..kayaknya seruuu banget. ada pemandangan indah dan yang paling pasti ga ada yang liatin dan memandang aneh karena lo pake short sport pendek, kaos nyaman.. tapi balik lagi ke Quote nya temen gw kmaren :

"kapan lo mau maju,kalo lo ngerasa semua orang merhatiin lo?"

hahaha...sekarang gw akan memikirkan untuk olahraga..tapi dengan jam kantor yang padat dan kesibukan "reuni" dengan tpara teman tiap minggu bikin gw ga punya waktu untuk olahraga yang ribet ribet..hahaha alesan gw emang sejuta.ato mungkin gw bisa menemukan olahraga yang bisa bikin gw semangat? gw suka basket,,tapi dirumah ga ada ring basket,,err..bola basketnya juga ga ada juga suka bulu tangkis, tapi ga punya kok-nya,,raket nya juga tinggal di kampung halaman..hahaha..mungkin pada dasarnya gw emang males dan g berfasilitas..hihihi

enough about sports..

mau nge-tweet dulu ah..


Sep 29, 2009

Not so in love anymore and so I can share you

Seperti kata raditya dika ,

You know, tulisan tentang cinta, adalah tulisan yang paling susah untuk ditulis. Karena, sangat susah menulis tentang cinta tanpa terlihat dangdut, corny, atau downright menya-menye"

yap..kalo ngomongin masalah cinta emang ga pernah ada habisnya, kayak lalat di TPA.

jadi ceritanya 14 hari yang lalu gw dengan bodohnya mengeluarkan ucapan "mending kita balikan aja yuk?" ke mantan gw yang bodoh itu. just call him Mr.X..jadilah dengan sukses nya dia mengiyakan penuh semangat dan berstatus lah kami kembali.

tapi,yang terjadi kemudian adalah gw merasakan adanya sesuatu yang hambar. yeah..mungkin anda akan bilang "tambah garam dong" seperti komentar teman teman gw yang sangat tidak membantu dan tidak melegakan hati.huff!!
gw hanya merasa ada yang kurang..dan gw pun ga bisa bilang apa yang bisa ditulis dengan kata kata..huek huekcuih!

well,mungkin sebenernya gw hanya sedikit merindukan dia yang dulu.dia yang pertama gw kenal dan dia yg selalu bisa bikin gw ter blushing-blushing seruu..

gw sealu mencintai sosok dia yang berpikiran terbuka,the way he wink at me, the way he walk,the way he copied Adam Levine,the way he played his guitar and then we'll sing along while he look into my eyes,the way he hectic with his SLRD,the way he focus on PC monitors and edit the pictures,the way he came late and not even say sorry,the way he told me how to eat a lot and stay in shape,the way he drive m home and kiss my forehead,the way h sleep with open eyes,,the way he wipe my tears and told me that i'll be fine, the way he hugs me and make me so comfort,and the way we kiss so tenderly..

I miss him so much. I do.

i just dont know what happen to my feeling.

hope it'll get better..


Sep 28, 2009

quote night

last saturday..i went to bogor to met my girls..Fauzia Bonita and Syahmiranti Datau ...we sipped a Thai Tea at,,then off to Teras Aer to had a late lunch..and the to BNR,, to get another coffe, and met noni's boyfriend.. we did spent 3 hours in Teras Aer..thats becoz noni told a very nice story..very charming one.. sorry cant write it down pals.. :( from our chit chat,, I got the quotes so inspiring,yet very into life. here's the quote :

"how can you go if you always felt that everyone watching you"

"sometimes there is time for us not to think too much about how much money we has been spent"

"If your money runs out, you still can look for it"

its feel so right!! then me and Ira just speechless and laughed so hard..
dont you feel the same??


Sep 27, 2009

may we called it Love?

its funny how someone can be so blushing and happy and excited when telling a story,, story..

and its felt weird when you find someone's right after you find someone you think "fine"..did u get what i mean? for example,,how a women, as a wife, can find her true love right after she think she already found it (read:husband)..she fallen in love with someone else.. no,its not cheating.

Think about it,,gmana kalo kita merit,,trus 2 ato 3 tahun pernikahan,tiba tiba kita ketemu ama seseorang dan berpikir "kayaknya he's the one deh"..

what you gonna do? just leave it behind and workin' on your marriage with your so-fine-husband?? or act on it and be with the one??


Sep 17, 2009

nice one

i never really adore Indonesian musics nowadays .. but i think this one really had a strong words and nice instrument ..

Saat ku pejamkan kedua mataku
Dan kubayangkan di sampingmu
Kurasakan slalu hangatnya pelukmu itu
Dan ku genggam lembut kedua tanganmu

Seakan takut kehilanganmu
Kuingin selalu hatimu untukku

Tak ada yang bisa......
menggantikan dirimu....
Tak ada yang bisa membuat diriku
jauh darimu...

Dan ku genggam lembut kedua tanganmu
Seakan takut kehilanganmu
Kuingin selalu hatimu untukku

Tak ada yang bisa......
menggantikan dirimu....
Tak ada yang bisa membuat diriku
jauh darimu...

this dong i dedicated to my Father (RIP)..

no one can one..


Sep 16, 2009

a word from Kemala Hayati

shitto.. a few things make me have to reschedule my secret trip..well,,let me tell you a clue. i really really desperate to visit my father grave..attend one of my bestfriend wedding..and visit my se7en..
then why i called it a secret..becoz im not gonna let you know when exactly i'm gonna go,hhehe.. i just dont want some one know about it.and then it'll kill me..hahaha..Lebay!!

anyway..a few days ago I had lost my aunt said there was an expensive plane ticket.GASP!! it really made me collapse.. the i called my Kemala Hayati, u can call her Cumil,

me: hiks..hiks..the ticket was so expensive..i cant afford that..hiks..i do realy want to see my father grave..hiks..i dont..hiks know..hiks..what..hiks to do..

cumil: What???OMG..are you sure?

me: my aunt told me,,she work in airport..

: did you try to find it yourself??

me: not yet..

cumil: *sigh...the don't cry..lets find it together..we really put a big hope for you to come.we miss you a lot..a lot!

and I felt silent..

thing she'd said make me crazy..i really want this trip!!lets work on this!!!!


Sep 15, 2009

friends for life *FFL

dinchoo,ketek,cumil,thokel,tjhuran,omsad..minus dhani

well..i do miss my FFL.. why they hv to be across the island..huff! g tau knapa, gw emang ga bisa banget lepas dari mereka..they're really into me..mereka emang slalu ada saat gw butuh,jarang bikin kesel..jarang nge-BT-in..hhahaahaha...makanya,ketika gw merencanakan untuk pulang k Padang dan bertemu merea,,pikiran gw udah ngayal kmana mana..hehehe...GOD,plese let me be there..kangeeeen!!!!


STOP HERE gonna start my post..STOP HERE if you looking for fashion blog..becoz is not!!

long time no see

Last saturday night, me friends of the radio Lp, break together in blumchen cafes, Dharmawangsa. yaah .. even before we was trapped in fatmawati .. I can finally met and laughed together again with my old Lp's friends.. I'm doubelly happy coz,,finnaly i met my three BFF..all of them!! only GOD knew how I miss them so much..hahaha..altough a person who I not really into was there too,, I do had Fun.

Miska Lail such a very BBF for me..Laff u darl..

dinchoo,,tyobecky,babayqresna,missay..what a group!

viesta karwila...who's not really in the mood that night..becoz of HER!haha

this what we called Lp radio 107,3fm crew!! 1st&2nd generation

after Blumchen we head off to Blok S.. to get some late night bite...hahaha
Laff you all..


Sep 10, 2009

lagi dan lagi

Yup..ini blog gw yang ke tiga..yang ke dua?yang pertama? tau dah kmana hehehe...

semoga yg ini lancaaarerrr....hhehe