Dec 29, 2009

dont disturb

hei hoowwww....I'm on :

me and my h2g's going to this place:

yippiy kayyyey...we're gonna have some fun!!!!


ps: I buzz you when i hit my home


Dec 28, 2009

berkutat dengan html


akhirnya jadi juga template baru nya
hahahah...izinkan saya berbangga diri karena telah memenangkan sebuah pertarungan sengit dengan si html..fiuw..
akhirnya blog saya berubah dari 2 kolom menjadi blog dengan 3 kolom,, yaah walaupun harus merelakan terhapus nya widget widget saya dari desain blog terdahulu..

its ok no problemo..
saya senang.


Dec 25, 2009

did you notice its not sunday?

my besties is in town (again) hurray...
so,coz my office's off for x-mas holiday, we decided to go to Kota Tua and watched Avatar.
here some pic..

we're so having a lot of fun!!
although at the end we had to cancel our plan to enjoy avatar, because senayan city is so crowded.sigh.

merry x-mas y'all


Dec 23, 2009

suatu malam di wahid hasyim

last night,after office hour, i've met up wit my besties.

its so great to finally cuddling up each other again.tertawa dan saling hina bersama memang selalu menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan.membahas kebobroka malah pribadi.riwetnya masalah kerjaan di penghujung tahun.

bercerita betapa dillema nya kegiatan dan rencana tahun baru yang niatnya akan kami lakukan bersama sama.

dan tiba tiba si abay bercerita tentang usahanya minta kenaikan gaji ama atasannya.saya bisa gak ya?hahaha


Dec 22, 2009

another Meryl Streep's

have you watched this one?

film ini bercerita tentang masakan dan pemasaknya.
saya selalu mengaggumi akting Meryl Streep.She has great comic timing, and always goes just far enough for the laugh, and usually not too far that it feels staged or unnatural. seperti dalam film ini, aktingnya begitu enak untuk dinikmati dan tidak membosankan,ya ga heran juga karena ia bukan anak baru di dunia perfilman.She is amazing and you will smile every time you see Julia on screen

anyway,film ini benar benar menggugah pikiran,yaah sebut saja inspiratif. film ini membuat saya ingin kembali berkutat dengan blog dan membuat saya berhasrat untuk bisa memasak. memasak digambarkan sebagai aktifitas yg sangat menyenangkan.benarkah seperti itu pada kehidupan nyata?
What really steals the show and appears great on cinema is both Julia and Julie's cooking expenditures. Make sure to eat before attending, I can't stress that enough because the food looks amazing.

at the point,there is a bit of a lag in the second half of the movie, but this is forgiven by the fact that the movie never becomes distracted from its purpose. excellent cast, fantastic story-telling, and wonderful direction. Julie & Julia will have you holding out your dish begging for more.

like Julia Child always yell..Bon Appetit!!

simple but work!

siapa yang tidak mengenal kuteks atau cat kuku atau nail polish.

saya memiliki sebuah kecintaan terhadap benda yg satu ini.saya suka mewarnai kuku saya dengan bermacam warna kuteks yg menarik, namun memang warna yang paling sering saya pakai adalah merah.

padahal jari jari dan kuku saya tidak terlalu bagus. jari jari saya tidak panjang apalagi lentik. kuku saya juga biasa saja.tak ada keistimewaan nya.namun ketika mengoleskan kuteks pada kuku kuku saya, mood saya akan sedikit menanjak dan saya pun akan bersemangat kembali.
sepele memang, bagaimana mungkin hanya dengan kuteks can boost up my moood. tapi itulah saya..dan mungkin sebagian orang.


hanya ingin menuangkan

jujur sebenarnya saya bingung dengan blog saya sendiri..yang katanya adalah wadah untuk menuliskan apa saja yang ingin saya tulis,namun terkadang malah saya sulit menuliskan apa yang sedang berkecamuk di pikiran saya.
mungkin itu yang disebut writer's block.

saat ini pun.

whats in my brain now

akhir akhir ini..ya boleh dibilang sudah cukup lama saya tidak memposting apapun di blog ini.. bukan, bukan karena saya malas...saya sedang terlena dan termabukkan oleh salah satu social network, atau boleh dibilang mini blog..mungkin sebagian dari anak anamk muda jaman sekarang sudah mulai memilikinya.. its called hahaha.. its really made me addicted!!!so addicted!

anyway,if you have one, please follow me on my tumblr


Dec 1, 2009

boo-oo them of the stage!!

ok..maybe we gotta say "finally this movie!!"

what do you think, if people around the world ready to wait in front of the cinema just to buy the premiere ticket of a box office movie? Its must be a good movie,right?!

so if you're a big fans,,don't read my review!!!

cause i do really really think that Kirsten cant act.and Pattinson is a big loser..Its pure crap!!
WORST.ACTING. but not from everyone.just Kristen and Robert.there was no chemistry at all between them as some claim. half the time he wasn't even looking at her!he mumbles his lines and its just BAD. then Kristen cant show emotion to save her life. she does this rapid blinking thing i don't understand.if they were replaced it would make a huge difference. Taylor was pretty good for the most part. he over acted at times and it came off as fake to me. like something you would see in a soap opera. but the rest of the Cullen clan,the wolf pack,and her school mates were excellent. the cgi was good,had really good stunt work. some lines seemed out of place to me. the leading roles need to FEEL the words and not just say them nonchalantly. the ending was bad to. they cut too many scenes from the book that would make a big difference to. so overall I'm disappointed. why this is such a big franchise i have no idea. fans are too obsessed, boggles my mind.i was left dissatisfied, but of course the rabid fan base will approve.

well at least, I enjoy Dakota's performance

I would like to know why did they change the director of the first twilight saga , i watched the first one many times and because of it i was waiting for the second one which was disappointed.... we don't care about the sides effects .. ..the music was too bad ,we need to see a love story ...full of emotions and exciting kisses..., and another thing ,who wants to see Edward wearing a red lipstick !!!!!! his lips were reddish than Bella's !!!!!!!? where is Edward the one that we all loved in the first movie ???? what the hell with his body too?? his face look really pale,but his body looked normal.and airbrushed sixpack? go to the gym something,fight for your role!!!
so Please people at summit we do not want to see more lipsticks in the Eclipse movie or any bad hair cut ! please try to make the third movie a good one .

well at least after the cinema,we enjoy margarita pizza at Kedai Kita's..(recommended)

ps: there's no edward pictures above..yea.I dont really like him..hahahah
