Nov 15, 2021

Life in 2021

I feel the need to write that I, in my 33yrs old,  once live during a pandemic.

2020, Covid-19 hit the world. The rest, you can google it. You've been there too anyway :*

to sum up 2021 so far..

Had too much fun playing quad skate

broke my right tibula and ankle, put a plate on it

had my first surgery, and it turns super bad when the anesthesia slowly disappear

got really dependent to my super boyf (got me one on end of July'20, btw)

put on crutches for almost 4 months

then change it to one-sided crutch on month 5th

got depressed, depressed, fomo, depressed

back to work with 50% attendance

monthly drinking party on my cribs 

had a lot of talk with my boyf and getting to know each other everyday

found that I had debt on my insurance

salary cut of almost 50% every months till Feb'22

watch a lot of good k-drama, and Netflix's series

depressed again, work matter

had a serious talk with leboyfie about future

had a great laugh together that time when we only had Rp200.000 at mid-month

cry together when we talk about past

impromptu crashed someone wedding just to check out the place.

brother got divorced. another brother repeat the same mistake, sister about to move to other city. Mom getting older and senile.

fomo every time my friend going out without me, and healed. 

Now, November 2021.

I feel like i'm getting better and toward to being the best version of my self.

Loving my self? Yaaa, about 70%...more to come!