Dec 25, 2010

more than a year relationship = hard to move on ?

that's the question pop-up on my mind last night.

kmaren malam lewat suatu obrolan, temen gw akhirnya cerita kalo dia udah putus ama pacarnya 3 sejak 3 bulan yang lalu. and now, dia bilang kalo dia sedang dalam posisi yang desperate dan ngerasa kosong. gw tanya lah, "loh knapa gitu?"Mulailah dia crita kalo dia masih sayang banget ama ni cewek dan ngajak balikan berkali kali. tapi si cewe ini g mau. sebagai orang normal,gw langsung komen : yaudahlah,its time to move on! . Dia mencoba,tapi setiap dia mencoba untuk maju, dia ngerasa si cewe ini slalu nahan dan bergerak mendekati. Itu yg bikin desperado.

ini yg bikin gw mikir. is it more than a year relationship's make people so hard to move on? is it people always think his/her love-mate always shadowing them? or what? the memories? no offense, but i really think about it. Kalo gw pikir secara logika, emang sih sepertinya terlalu banyak "kenangan" dalam 2 atau 3 atau bahkan 8 tahun masa pacaran,,tapiii.. tiap orang pasti punya alasan kuat yg dijadiin sebab berakhirnya hubungan yg lumayan lama itu. kan? Knapa itu g lo jadiin alesan kuat buat move on? temen gw tadi bilang kalo dia slalu ngerasa cewe itu slalu nahan dia dan bikin dia g bisa move on. Tapi menurut gw malah sebaliknya. Lo sebenernya masih g rela buat move on, lo doank yg nganggep dia masih nahan nahan lo,padahal enggak! karna lo masih berat,lo masi g terima..

ketika gw nanya k temen gw yg lain,yg pacaran 3,5 tahun trus putus, dia butuh 1 tahun untuk recovery dan akhirnya berhasil move on. Temen gw yg lain butuh 3 bulan untuk move on dari 2 year relationshipnya. and then apakah waktu yg dibutuhkan untuk recovery bergantung sama berapa lama nya lo pacaran? SALAH BESAR! ada temen gw yg pacaran 8 tahun, putus, dan cuma butuh waktu 4 bulan untuk move on dan mencari orang yg bener bener worth buat nerima dia., and now she's married and have a happy life with 2 daughter and lovely husband :). Well maybe you would say " easy for you to talk" to me. My longest relationship is a year. yea lame, I know. But,itu setahun yg cuku berarti buat gw..cukup dalem. gw butuh 2 bulan untuk move on dan bener bener g mikirin dia lagi.

Sebenernya,yang bisa bikin kita move on ada beberapa hal. menurut gw, kitabener bener harus sediain satu hari untuk mikirin hal apa sebenernxa yg bikin kita masih down. apakah itu memori nya atau kah orangnya ataukah rasa kesel/sebel/sakit hati/g rela yg masih tinggal di diri kita. and then sum up it dan bilang ke dia! yup, all we have to do is just say it out loud. Setidaknya, lo bisa lega banget. believe me,lo bakal ngerasa lebih plong. Abis itu lo sibukkan diri lo dengan kerjaan atau sesuatu yg baru..cari temen yg banyak..sering sering ngmpul ama temen but stay away from love conversation for a while. Lo bakal ngerasa masih banyak banget hal yg indah di dunia ini yg sayang banget kalo lo hadapi dengan ke desperate-an lo itu.

Untuk lebih klisenya lagi,,let it go and let it flow.In the end,serahkan aja ama si waktu. Di yg bakal ngejawab semuanyaa, dan someday lo bakal ngetwain ke desperate-an lo saat itu.
try it :)

here we go again last post was on oct ?!!

is it really happened?

that's quite long..

ok here we go again.pals!

Oct 6, 2010

wed-day and zuppa

going gaga to majalengka for my sissy wed-day
its almost 5 hrs from jakarta
but is worth :)
she seems soooo happy
look..she's really make a big grin smile

this is my long-time-no-see cousin,,all grow up and cute!!

I love everything about wedding
everybody seems so happy
a lot of food
a lot of flower
a lot of picture
make me dream of mine

Oct 3, 2010

28 days after

Long time no post :)

I have my really fun idulfitri trip.with beloved family and all my precious friend.a few picture from our lil trip to the beach.Hei,I've got surfing lesson from one of my friend, but lets say I'm not. The board "punch" me in the head and thats it.I am so done with surfing thing. I prefer snorkling and meet nemo ;)

Aug 31, 2010

six feet under

I've told you how I looooveeee the clouds and sky very much much muchooo :*

Aug 24, 2010

we're on fire

randomly playing fireworks wif my brothers and lil' niece..end up we're having so much fun..although the size of the fireworks are smaller than when we're little..and my lil' niece have a new hobby..playing with fire..OMG!

look at her excited face!!

I tried to create a Love sign by the fire..and failed :(

after I took this pic, she said, " can I eat this?" Gasp!!

try to put the firework into his mouth as if he smoking..and felt burn.
what a stupid brother -.-'

Aug 22, 2010


life is full of choices

Aug 12, 2010

Aug 10, 2010

off duty

If your talking about holiday
its supposed to be fun
I missed all my friends
I need to be here with them
I'm gonna have a blast for sure

don't ask me how's my holiday
not blame on anyone
but I just don't wanna tell a story about it

Aug 4, 2010

day 1 to vacation

tomorrow I'm off
office vacation
destinations nowhere
well not nowhere exactly
you'll where we will go by pictures below

clue :)

Aug 3, 2010

following with

I'm getting to really love SKINS series
I love the drama,the script, the cast etc
there's a lot of F word in
:">by loving that series,now
I really like Effy Stonem,who played by

Aug 1, 2010

dark knight

random things to do
this photos captured by Junos
cause we have nothing to do :)
smile,you're on the camera

cause in the end
we are the product of our mind


Jul 30, 2010

pillow and ice tea

finally got the whole season of this series
I've got a very good word for this series
made me curios and google it.

I fall in love just like that
just by the pictures scene by scene on Google
inyiiminyii <3>

Jul 25, 2010

Hell-o animals

Safari Park for weekend..its so yeay!!
where else we can meet,touch and interact wit animals!!

this is our first kiss,,me and Naruto the dolphin:)

I love Eagle!!!love love love love!!!but too scare to touch :(Iglo :) Freezziinnggg
mama gorilla
hei baby elephant ,,I named you Zukko
may I take you home with me?

we had so much fun!!!
there I said it,SO MUCH FUN :)

how's your weekend?